Posted on Dec 19, 2015
CPT Military Police
I would like to know why posts are being removed that are relevant to both public discussion and military discussion.

I and several others have had our posts removed without any reason being provided to us. I am not talking about having our posts merged because we didn't know someone else had posted on the same subject matter.

How can I learn what was unacceptable about the post to the person who removed it if I'm not given feedback? Is it a personal attack?

The lack of feedback doesn't help anyone learn.
Posted in these groups: 2dcac4a3 RallyPoint
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Responses: 16
LTC Yinon Weiss
Edited >1 y ago
Some Questions are being removed because they should be posted as part of the new "Share Link" feature and not "Ask Question". Posts no longer need to be asked in the form of a question, which is something that people have wanted for a long time. If you want to share timely news stories, web sites, or other links, just use the "Share Link" option.

You can read more about the guidelines here:

Abuse guidelines have also been updated:
1LT William Clardy
1LT William Clardy
>1 y
Um, SGT Perdelia-Torres, who did you think I was referring to a few posts back when I said, "The count of people I've irritated enough to block me seems to have just incremented from 1 to 2. Bummer -- the kid seemed fairly sharp in most of the comments I've seen from him elsewhere."?

You are obviously still angry, but you are conducting yourself with much more restraint as far as expressing it. That's a good start.

And there's nothing inherently wrong with being angry -- what matters is whether you make it a productive anger or a destructive one. You may not have noticed, but I was probably at least as angry as you this morning, but I managed to confine expressing my bitterness to a few generic but clearly bitter comments, but I think I resisted the urge to continue venting unrestrained fairly well once it became clear that the powers-that-be were trying to help me get my things fixed.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT Jose Perdelia-Torres, I was a one star admin volunteer a while back, in a far, far away, different Galaxy. I was relieved of my post because I posted too many questions, I shouldn't have posted being an admin volunteer. I also had a bad temper back then. It's tough being in admin and having to remain cool, calm, and collected. LTC Yinon Weiss, and 1LT Scott Doyle, have used their best manners and the kindest words they could trying to explain to you their reasoning concerning your questions. I don't know what more they could have said to you to answer you. Why not get the chip off your shoulder and be the man I know you to be? You ask great questions and have always had good replies. I was surprised to read the things you were saying. I'm not trying to be a smart add or a know it all, because believe me, I'm not and I don't. Maybe a short hiatus will make you more comfortable when you come back. I've taken three and felt much better and acted a hell of lot more mature about my responses to admin volunteers after I came back. Having something like over 250,000 + members, does not make the admin jobs easy. They volunteered because they saw promise and progress in RP. Someone has to do it and it takes a special person to put up with all of the crap they get all of the time. They're humans and not perfect. You might be interested in trying out to be an admin volunteer. You'll soon see you can't please everyone, but there are rules and they have to be followed by everyone who wants to remain on RP. Just my opinion and you know what is said about opinions.
CSM Carl Cunningham
CSM Carl Cunningham
>1 y
Wow! Looks like I missed out on a lot of fun this weekend. Well, the reason I made the valid comment toward Mr Torres was that he obviously had a bad attitude. Now, it could have been developed in the Army by some less than stellar people so I understand. However, his toxic attitude was not helping the post and he let me know that we are all entitled to our opinion. So I gave my opinion by thanking him for leaving the Army with that attitude.

I find it funny that the first guys to scream something is unprofessional are the ones that are usually the most disrespectful. Now, I am not emotionally invested in anything else with this post. I think all the responses within the last couple of days proved my point.

Merry Christmas! :)
SGT Jose Perdelia-Torres
SGT Jose Perdelia-Torres
>1 y
SGM, I think you will find that most members will agree you were equally unprofessional. At your rank and age, you might not be used to being told that you were wrong, but; you were wrong-with that statement.

you never added "with that attitude" nor was it that obvious when you made the statement, "Thanks for getting out of the Army" In fact, you knew that it would cause a rise and you knew that it was a "putdown". A taboo thing to say to a Veteran.

You came out of nowhere with your comment, the fact that you feel it was valid speaks volumes to me. I hope you reflect on it and realize that it was not valid. I was polite to you when i simply stated "you are entitled to your own opinion" that is when you chose to be disrespectful. I feel you were way more disrespectful than I in any of my statements. But, again that is my opinion.

I too have some reflection to do regarding how i express frustration. Clearly, it was taken wrong because of how it was typed. Rightfully so.

Merry Christmas to you, and the rest of the Rallypoint Community.
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SSG Warren Swan

I think some of us are ,missing the point, others aren't receiving the point, and maybe it's not explained in a simple enough concept for all to understand. I have my issues with the new rollout, and even prefer the old one, but I will try to learn the new one and then make constructive criticism on how to make it better.
One thing that NEEDS TO STOP NOW are the personal attacks. It serves no purpose other than to inflame the crowd and what could be a few minute correction is spent arguing over PC vs. NON PC, this thread over another being deleted. Once you attack someone, you have lost all credibility Everyone on here knows how to handle themselves.. This site is supposed to be a site for professionals from the lowest private to the most senior flag officer. We do not need to do this (unless the post id so offensive that there isn't much recourse). If you have an issue with an admin, please message them directly and state your case in private, you got no joy from that admin get to another one, no need to air it our here. Remember Praise in Public Punishment in Private. Together we can get this tuned in, and just talking is the way to make this happen.
To the admiins, I have no clue who made the new layout, but a way to make it so that everyone that is here, can watch a short video made by those who implemented ths explaining in ten minutes or less what RP has morphed to. That way we see it, can practice while listening, and keep on truckin.
In summary, lets talk about this, work on the "solutions" and be a part of said "Solution" and no part of the problem.
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CPT Military Police
My post has brought about an explosion of comments. Some not as thoughtful or respectfully worded as I would like to see. I hope that everyone has had the opportunity to vent their frustrations now. We may not have enjoyed this growth spurt into the new lay of the land for Rally Point but we're managing to get through it. Growing pains are always difficult. The subject posts being removed v. being moved to "appropriate areas" has increased the learning curve significantly. We learned in minutes instead of days. I think this was a good thing. Thank you RP staff for helping us through it.

SSG Carlos Madden LTC Yinon Weiss SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
>1 y
CPT (Join to see) thanks for bringing these points of interest to the limelight. We'll need thread!!
SSG Carlos Madden
SSG Carlos Madden
>1 y
Its always learning curve for everyone and this served as a great place to share ideas over the weekend. We really appreciate your questions and feedback. Special thank you to COL Mikel J. Burroughs and SGT (Join to see) for adapting quickly and helping us out!
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
CPT (Join to see), SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4", SSG Carlos Madden, CSM Carl Cunningham, SN Greg Wright, SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL, COL Mikel J. Burroughs, Thank you for getting us up to speed on the changes. There were a few flame wars but they were fanned out quickly. I'm glad I could help.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
SGT (Join to see), SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4",SSG Carlos Madden, SN Greg Wright, SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL, and CSM Carl Cunningham I think we've got it down now and we are cooking on all (4) burners! There are a few tweeks that are going to be made in the coming weeks for editing, etc. that the big boss shared with me below:


Saw you posted one this morning. Hope to see many more!

To answer your questions...

1) All your contacts will see what you share, in addition to others that our algorithm thinks would be interested in it, as well as anybody who follows what you tag it with.
2) Admins can't edit tags yet for shared links, but we'll add this shortly.
3) Users can't edit shared links or updates yet either, but we will add this in the coming weeks.
4) For "Post Update", it can be anything from sharing what's on your mind, to sharing some ideas, or trying to help organize a local event, etc. It only goes to your contacts, so you should feel free to use it for whatever you want to express. Unlike Questions, it's not searchable in the future, so it's meant for more transient moment.

Please let me know what other feedback or questions you may have so we can continue to improve the new system.

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