Posted on Jul 17, 2015
Why do they take your promotable status after signing a DEC statement if planning to go into reserves?
I was put on a 3yr assignment with a report day 12 months away from my ets. I now have to sign a DEC statement to delete the orders. I planned on going into the reserves after serving on active duty for personal and family reasons. I was told today that I will loose my promotable status as of the moment I sign the it. I have over a year left to make points for promotion as I transition into the reserves is there around this?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
SGT (Join to see)
Sfc, I signed a dec statement and just got it successfully removed. I re-enlisted yesterday and was curious if I would receive my P status back since I had it prior to signing the dec
Exactly the same thing happened to me and several SSGs in my unit. We were basically given an option to go indef to fulfill these orders or sign a dec statement.
Isn't there a rule... in a book of rules somewhere... that says a Soldier cannot be put on an assignment that passes their ETS date? Isn't this what that whole stop-loss thing was about? ...
I need an Admin person to chime in here. My Google-Fu has failed to produce an answer.
Isn't there a rule... in a book of rules somewhere... that says a Soldier cannot be put on an assignment that passes their ETS date? Isn't this what that whole stop-loss thing was about? ...
I need an Admin person to chime in here. My Google-Fu has failed to produce an answer.
Who said that to you? I'm not 100% on what can and cannot be done once you sign the DEC statement but I would talk with your Chain of Command, Career Counselor, and JAG prior to signing anything.
SGT Ben Keen
SGT(P) (Join to see) - OK. I would still take your question to the Career Counselor or JAG just to double and triple check everything based on your personal twists to what is going on. You know just as well as I do that any form used in the military was first drafted for one reason but now covers several. There could be something the original authors of the form overlooked.
SGT Ben Keen
SGT(P) (Join to see) - If you remember, I would like to know what you find out. Of course, a DEC statement no longer effects me but I'm curious to see what the "right" answer is.
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