Posted on Feb 15, 2018
SSG(P) Photographer/Owner
Why do you think there are so many school shootings now as opposed to say 25 to 30 years ago? We all know that guns can’t shoot themselves, so obviously that is not the problem in my opinion. I honestly believe that there is a direct correlation between the rise of school shootings and the taking of God out of the classroom, and kids not getting a well deserved a** whooping. Thoughts on this?
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 203
SSG Platoon Sergeant
It's not an issue of "taking God out of classrooms." It's an issue of mainstream society not dealing well with the fact that not *everybody* believes in the same God. I was raised religious up until I joined the Army after high school, and I never felt my faith waver just because I couldn't pray in school. Religion is best practiced at home and in church; it does society no good poisoning schools, courts, laws and governments.
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2LT Ronald Reimer
Multifaceted. 1st: society has been desensitized to violence through 24/7 news, graphic movies/video games and horrific events. 2nd: Access. There are millions more high capacity semi-automatic weapons than there was 30 years ago. Ammo is readily available. 3rd: Society has a lot more “crazy” people in it. People with untreated/undertreated mental health conditions are being allowed to roam around, and are prolific breeders. 4th: Our country is more divided now more than it has been anytime throughout history, and on many more issues. During the Civil War, you either supported the Union or the Confederacy. You were either for slavery or against it. Today, we can’t agree on whether or not the police are good or bad, is the President “ours” or “not mine”, transgenders, abortion, birth control for free, are the rich paying their fair share, should welfare recipients be able to buy Doritos and Coke a Cola, where was Obama born, should healthcare be free and does the 2nd amendment need to be updated. Schools are relatively easily accessible with a lot of unarmed victims in close proximity, and you know that they are “gun-free” so you don’t have to worry about being stopped. Same as movie theaters, shopping malls and outdoor concerts.
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MAJ Montgomery Granger
Psychotropic drugs and lack of sufficient security on school campuses.
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SGT Jamarl Jones
Because we are raising absolute monsters that are capable and willing to murder innocent people...
SGT Jamarl Jones
SGT Jamarl Jones
>1 y
You're right! We tell these kids that they are just sophisticated chimpanzees and then we act surprised when they act like savage animals....
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1px xxx
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How come school shootings are such a rare occurrence in countries that are more secular than the United States if "taking God out of the classroom" is the reason for the increase?
1px xxx
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>1 y
That looks like a Non Sequitur argument to me.
I read the Bible up to the Book of Job. That was enough for me.
PO2 Mario Lofaro
Edited >1 y ago
There are so many shootings because there are really very few. What's worse, is any shooting that stops or ends the shooter is not reported by government run or millionaire/billionaire owned mainstream media.
This is the lefts' agenda to get us to eventually disarm. Which, most of us won't allow.
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SSgt James Harvey
I've been listening and reading all day, people wondering what we can do about school shootings. They blame the NRA, or the style of gun among a host of other things. Well here is my take on it. WE are all to blame, not the kid, even though he did pull the trigger. I'm not giving him a pass, the thing with freedom is a little thing called personal responsibility. It is us who hold the ultimate responsibility by tolerating things that would never have been accepted when we were 17,18 or 19. You can't discipline your kids or it's abuse. You can't talk about morality because it's not your place to decide what's right and wrong. They've succeeded in removing G*d from our schools, and now they're trying to take him out of our lives. There is no justice in the justice system, it's a continual revolving door. You CAN NOT be a parent and always be your kids best friend, sometimes you have to lay down the law. We carried our guns in our trucks when I was in school and no one was ever shot, because our parents taught us, sometimes painfully, the difference between right and wrong, something recent generations seem to have forgot, and we get kids who think they are entitled to $15/hr for flipping burgers, or the $200,000 job right out of high school. Yeah, it was the kid who pulled the trigger, but it was our "tolerant" society that failed the kid.
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CW3 Kevin Storm
All incorrect IMHO. It has to do with the individual getting attention for what they did. If the media never reported another shooters name, no one would know who they are. I honestly believe this would reduce the violence.
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SPC Erich Guenther
I think it is a chain. 1 Stagnant Wages and gridlocked government make people angry about immigration and a host of other issues. 2. Social Media tends to inflame people more and there are some (witness this website) that cannot handle Social Media by remaining civil. 3. Increasing congestion on a Interstate Highway system falling apart in places......road rage. 4. More and more people turning away from family values and God.......which will change but is en vogue now.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
PO2 David Dunlap - They have since institutionalized his younger brother. I guess Satan runs in the family......huh?
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CW2 Bde Ew Tech
Honestly, more are reported and on the news than there used to be, especially with social media and instant alerts on phones. It is more talked about and spread than it used to be.
Taking God out of the classroom has nothing to do with anything. That goes to the fact that there are other religions out there and we can't favor a specific one, so it's out. Religion may help some people "be good", but it may drive others to do horrible things, others to not go to school, and others to cry and whine that they aren't represented. Religion is a personal thing, not a public one. We also used to have guns in schools but they've been taken out as well (school rifle and pistol teams - it was a competitive sport)
Education is what is needed. The plans for active shooters in school suck. They. Suck. Many call for all students to gather in a corner or closet, which makes a very easy target as well as multiple casualties from less rounds fired.
Many people wish to ban guns. That's like taking painkillers for a broken leg. The problem is still there, but you feel better. Remember Columbine? Guns and.... a propane tank, they were planning on more than just shooting. If we ban guns, then the bad guys will do a few things: 1. still use guns. 2. use knives, bats, etc... 3. open up one of a ton of books and articles, go to their local Walgreens, Lowes, and/or pool supply store and make some serious HME and that'll be a whole lot worse than a shooting.
Our mental health system is very lacking. It needs improvement, and drugging everyone with anti-psychotics isn't the answer. Institutions help people, we can't institutionalize the severely mentally ill who want to shoot people, but we can fill the overfull prison system with weed dealers.
CW2 Bde Ew Tech
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PO2 David Dunlap - I think you need to take some emotion out of the discussion. 1. I have read the bible, I feel I should be knowledgeable on something if I am going to be able to discuss it. There's no need to attack me about this. I understand you are very proud and into your religion, that doesn't mean you should force it on me. Inspiration is not authoring. Plenty of people have been inspired by LSD but that doesn't mean LSD wrote a book.
As for truth, the word itself involves undeniable proof. There is no proof (yes actual proof, not belief) for the existence of god, so, unless it can be proven to me, I will not waste my time. I do not need a book or fear of hell to tell me to be a good person, not kill, steal, or commit adultery. I choose not to do those things out of being a human being and a member of society.
It is an argument that will go on for time. You count the bible as proof, I do not. That means we agree to disagree and that is that. I do not wish for you to give up your faith, just like I don't wish for you to force it on me.

Some parts of the bible as we know it were written just before the year 1000, so my statement was true, yes the old testament may be as old as 3000 years, but it was still written by man, translated into 1000 languages by man, and passed down and altered by different factions of men. Without reproduceable events.
CW2 Bde Ew Tech
CW2 (Join to see)
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PO2 David Dunlap - OK, the sun isn't a planet - it's a star, and it's called fusion, not burning, hydrogen is being fused into helium, no oxygen needed. One day it will burn out, because there won't be enough gravity to fuse iron atoms together. It has been around for over 4 billion years, and will continue for like 4-8 billion more.
Exact copy, it had to be translated didn't it? Things get lost in translation. Yes, there was a copy of the book of Isaiah in the Dead Sea Scrolls, that doesn't prove anything. There's a dictionary on my desk, does that make Merriam Webster a gospel? What about ll the gospels that aren't in the bible? The stories the Church specifically left out because it wasn't "enough of their idea of the story of Jesus", more were left out than made it in. So, yeah the bible has its flaws.
But to you, the Bible is perfect, and the one word, the truth. And that's fine for you. Use it, live by it, it works for you, provides you guidance, so keep on it. Just don't force it on others. Every single person has the freedom to choose THEIR OWN religion (or lack of), the one they feel is right for them, which, and this may hurt, may or may not be Christianity.
CW2 Bde Ew Tech
CW2 (Join to see)
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No need to get snarky, it's a simple discussion. Don't take things so seriously.
CW2 Bde Ew Tech
CW2 (Join to see)
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SPC David Willis - We don't need to poke fun at his choices. It's his right to believe anything he wants. Looking at this entire discussion has shown that he is very passionate about his religion and his beliefs and is very set in his ways. Nothing we say will change that. The Constitution allows a person to choose their religion and beliefs, it's not my place to try to change that, and in my experience, they won't if I try. Beliefs are deeply rooted and require a LOT to change. There's no sense in arguing over it, especially religion vs atheism, the two types of people just don't see things the same way to even talk about it and understand each other properly.
The best we can do is look at a topic, present facts, and educate each other on those facts. If someone chooses to discuss other things, well we should stay on topic and not jack somebody's thread.
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