Posted on Sep 15, 2017
Why hasn't LTG McMaster been nominated for promotion to GEN? Considering the responsibilities of his position it seems warranted to promote?
Edited 7 y ago
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 6
Good question. The Army is limited to a grand total of 7 full generals under 10 USC 525, and are normally include the CSA, VCSA, FORSCOM, TRADOC, AMC, and USARPAC. There are exceptions; the SECDEF can authorize up to 20 more total 4-star positions for joint commands above the service limit. The President could approve him as a 4-star, but the Army would have to give up a star somewhere else out of their pool of 231 total stars.
10 U.S. Code § 525 - Distribution of commissioned officers on active duty in general officer and...
2011—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 112–81, §502(b)(2)(A)–(C), substituted “46” for “45” in par. (1)(B), “44” for “43” in par. (2)(B), and “33” for “32” in par. (3)(B).
LTC (Join to see)
Correct Chief. There are currently 11 four star generals serving on active duty...Commander, USCENTCOM, Commander, USEUCOM and SACEUR; Commander, USSOCOM; Commander, RS and USFOR-A; Commander, UNC, ROK-US CFC and USFK; CSA and the VCSA; and the Commanders of AMC, TRADOC, USARPAC and FORSCOM. The six you mentioned are the only Army "pure" four-stars on the list, as the other five are either joint or unified commands and can be filled by a four-star from another branch.
CWO3 (Join to see)
Thanks Guy. That's what I thought about limits for GOs within each branch. Considering his position it should be a rubber stamp, but they are likely worried about optics besides the GO limits. Considering his job and performance I think his nomination is warranted. The CJCS job rotates so they may be looking father down the road as well. Not for McMaster but Army 4 stars. Not sure who's next in line but USAF maybe since it's been awhile for them. It's ultimately up to POTUS, but SecDef has input as well.
SGT Jim Arnold
in 1985 we had the General of the Signal Corp visiting in Korea, I'd almost swear he was a 4 star.
I think it's politically motivated. Democrats have been slamming everybody associated with President Trump and they don't want it to look like they're playing favorites.
CWO3 (Join to see)
I'm sure politics comes in play, but he is not really personally aligned with any party. I wonder if it may count against the Army's authorized number of GEN's and they don't want to lose a slot that might be better used elsewhere. They may see it as a wasted promotion. I think he's deserving, considering the responsibility and visibility of his position. I don't know how all that works with joint billets outside the normal US Army structure, but I believe they have a limit on the numbers they can have regardless of where they serve. Considering who he deals with and who he works for, a promotion would not necessarily allow him to be more effective, but it is a way of rewarding him for his faithful service. I believe he was passed over twice for promotion to BG, due to being outspoken about the Viet Nam war, and I see no problem with rewarding him for his service in these tough times.
He hasn't because of the complexity of his position, National Security Advisor and the slot of course for a 4 star general. Plus, you're essentially giving a 4 star general the power to supersede the SECDEF. Not saying LTG McMaster would do that, but this opens up a lot of chain of command issues, not to mention the political aspects that are involved.
LTC (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) - who nominated Patraeus for a fifth star? I don't remember hearing about that. Or was it just a congressman or someone giving their opinion that he should be one?
CWO3 (Join to see)
LTC (Join to see) - I missed that one also. Don't recall any serious consideration for a 5th star for Petraeus. I ggogled it and found a few op-ed pieces but considering his legal problems they fell on deaf ears.
Should Gen. David Petraeus Have Five Stars?
It is in some ways the most elite group in the U.S. military — the five stars. There have only been nine men to serve at that rank — all of them during World War II. But a handful of veterans are convinced that the top commander in Afghanistan, Gen. David Petraeus, should be awarded a fifth star. Several military historians say that's not likely to happen.
LTC (Join to see)
I read that Adm Poindexter actually decided to retire shorty into his time as he felt the position was meant to be civilian. But after that the others were 3 stars who were "detailed" to the exec branch vs filling a military position of a certain rank. Then I think the job ended up being their stepping stone to 4 star.
SSG (Join to see)
LTC (Join to see) - He was never officially nominated. There were just talks on whether he should or not, once he stepped down from ISAF command. It was actually the DNC who recommended to President Obama to make him CIA director because they feared the GOP would get him to run for President.
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