Posted on Jun 26, 2016
Sgt Tom Cunnally
I'm old enough to recall when Lyndon Johnson's campaign had a TV ad with a young girl that morphed into a Atom Explosion which just about destroyed Barry Goldwater's campaign for President.

I would not be surprised the Clinton team of dirty tricksters are thinking about doing this to Trump
Edited 8 y ago
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Responses: 23
Capt Jeff S.
The Globalist ruling elite are desperate (especially with Brexit and other EU countries considering following suit). They will pull out all stops to defeat Trump and nothing is off the table. What they did to Justice Scalia is coming to light. Expect Obama to poison the well before he leaves office if Hillary does not follow him and expect the lame stream media to blame Trump for everything wrong with the economy. IF Hillary by hook and crook steals the election, I trust our military would recognize the illegitimacy of her actions and not follow orders to take ANY action against our citizens.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
8 y
Voted down for being willfully ignorant of the facts. But I'll remove it seeing as you like to read. Please educate yourself.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
8 y
These folks play hard ball and they don't like losing. It's time we played their game to expose them and hold them to account.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
5 y
Capt Michael Greene The Democrats want open borders, early voting, and no VoterID. There is only one reason for this and it opens the door for election fraud. You steal elections when you commit election fraud and win.

Obama’s campaign committed election fraud when the forged signatures to get his name on the ballot in states where they lacked the required number. In Indiana when they removed the forged signatures they did not have enough yet his name still appeared on the ballot. Hillary’s team also forged signatures but she still had enough when the forged signatures were removed. Had Obama been a write-in candidate in the states where his campaign forged signatures, he would have lost to Hillary. And so this radically altered America’s history and did major damage to our national defense as: Obama’s policies turned the military into a social experiment; he appointed Muslim Brotherhood operatives to key posts in our agencies; he appointed a Muslim CIA Director, Muslim head of DHS, and his Chief if Staff was Muslim; he refused to enforce federal immigration laws and sued States then took it upon himself conducted his own foreign through the State Department bypassing Congress; he appointed liberal justices to the Supreme Court and tried to stack it with Liberal activist justices. Justice Scalia was murdered to open up a position and Obama tried to appoint another liberal justice but was thwarted by the Biden Rule.
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Cpl Benjamin Long
Right now they are in the phase of the campaign where they are trolling each other on social media.... and enlisting armies of trolls to trash each other... Everyone knows if you want to say something nasty about someone you go on a twitter or facebook rant... It will spread like wildfire...
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
8 y
Indeed. It would be nice if politicians could talk about their ideas instead of each other. That said, we have picked the two candidates who will be facing off. If you think they suck, just remember, we picked them. Either you voted for one of them directly, or you didn't spend enough time educating others on why they should vote for someone else. If you didn't vote, you have no room to complain.
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Sgt Tom Cunnally
Hillary has thrown everything but the kitchen sink at Trump and so far nothing seems to be sticking to him. Trump comes back quickly with his responses and they are often worst than hers.

So what to do ?? The Clintons' new cmpaign plan is to destroy Trump and hope that will cover her foibles, misstatements, mistakes, & low approval .. So why not the Nuclear Option??

Just saying ad nausea " I believe I am the best qualified to be President"... Hillary Clinton

Just may not be catching on even with younger women and progressives.

Republican TV Celebrities have been asking this question a lot lately so it may be on the way on your TV
Alan K.
Alan K.
8 y
Still waiting on the Kitchen Sink....Been saying that for months!!!
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
8 y
Alan K. - I think you missed it..

Btw did you read Hillary's ranting and raving that all of the economists have studied Trumps economic plan & claim it will lead to a recession? I tried to chase it down and despite a lot of flack from her supporters here I could not verify her claim. Just Mark Tandi who is one of her supporters & an economic advisors from Moody's who has given big bucks for her campaign. But how he came up with Trump's economic plan causing a recession is a low probably with what we have from Trump to go on
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
8 y
Do we even care what Hillary believes? At this point, "what does it matter?"
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Sgt Tom Cunnally
If not they have Hillary's twin sister Liz & these two old beauties haven't changed much since they were 10 years old
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GySgt Carl Rumbolo
"Dirty Tricksters"? Please - if anything, the idea that Trump's policies, egotism,thin skin, and irrational thinking and speaking without thinking is more than a little likely to lead this country into some sort of nuclear confrontation.

As an example of his idiocy - yesterday (Thur Jun 30th) he gave a speech in New Hampshire, allegedly about trade - in the middle of his speech he stops, points at an airplane overhead and says that Mexico's leaders are smarter than the current US leadership and in fact that they (the mexicans) "are getting ready to attack' and that plane could be filled with Mexicans.

Seriously - and you worry if someone will show a political ad that makes Trump out as some kind of madman - they Democrats don't have to show that kind of ad - Trump does it for them just about every time he opens his mouth.

He is an egotistical con-man, who is without any real policies and no real convictions or beliefs.
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PO1 Jack Howell
Except for the fact that the political climate at that time in the country was different than it is today. Things that would have been shocking then won't necessarily be shocking today because of the change in attitudes.
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Sgt Tom Cunnally
You could say the Nuclear Option was used this week by Hill when she asked Liz to join her campaign on the road.
When Liz goes on the War Path & her high cheekbones turn red with anger she hast tossed a lot of bombs at the Donald
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SPC Kirk Gilles
YES and YES. There is an army of paid and volunteer Clintonians rabidly searching for that one word or phase on an open mic that takes out DJT for their master. Romney said "47%" into the hidden mic and it ended for him the next day. Her people have five months to lay traps and bag him for her. Think of the job that person will get for it! "Bring me the head of Trump and you shall be rewarded."
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SSG Program Control Manager
I'm not sure that will be necessary, she appears to be pulling away with a double digit lead over Trump. There is also the possibility that it could backfire... since Clinton with her finger on the button isn't exactly a whole lot more reassuring.
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SFC Joseph Weber
I think Hillary's crew of dirty rotten tricksters are smarter than Donald's team of dirty rotten tricksters.
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