Posted on Aug 17, 2020
SGT Forward Observer
Im PCSing in a few months (yes im married if that's needed) i understand i will get a few days of leave for traveling to my new unit. My new unit is also deploying on a trainning rotation shortly after I arrive, im not sure if that will change anything.
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Responses: 4
CPT Company Commander
You would have to request it at your gaining unit. Keep in mind that you are not guaranteed it.
SGT Forward Observer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you sir.
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SGM Legislative Liaison
There are a couple of things that need to be pointed out here:

1. TDY is not leave. TDY is generally when you are temporarily assigned duty at another location than your assigned station. This is usually for schools, conferences, or training away from home station.

2. Permissive TDY (PTDY) is not the same as TDY. Permissive TDY is granted for a multitude of reasons, but when requested during PCS it is usually for "house hunting." Keep this in mind when requesting PTDY from your gaining unit. If you want PTDY for HHG delivery, house setup, shopping, or visiting family it will be denied. It is for house hunting. If you want it, be sure to indicate that you want it for "house hunting." Some installations will grant PTDY immediately upon signing into the Replacement company. It just depends on the installation. You must be in the local area while on PTDY. Don't try to take it and then hit the road to visit family members in other states. If you get caught you'll get in trouble.

3. You do not get leave for traveling. You get travel days based on the distance from your losing duty station and your gaining installation. It also depends on your method of travel. If you fly, you are usually only authorized one travel day in CONUS. If driving, it is based on distance. This is information you need to find out prior to departure. If you drive the entire distance in one day and sign in to your gaining installation, even if you are authorized additional travel days, you will forfeit any additional days remaining.

As far as the training rotation, it is really up to the command. Personally, I like common sense. To me it doesn't make any sense to send someone on a rotation inside of 30 days on station. Families need to be settled and teams need to be integrated first. Denying PTDY is also a jerk move; I always ensured my Soldiers' forms were rubber stamped for it when they arrived. It is really something that should be projected when new personnel appear on the gains roster.

The way forward for you is to get as much information as possible prior to departing. Ask about the travel days at your Levy Briefing and at the out-processing station. Request PCS leave if you need some extra time. Contact the gaining installation inprocessing center and ask about PTDY. The more info you have, the better you can plan your timeline.
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LTC Jason Mackay
Edited >1 y ago
Permissive TDY I believe is what you are asking about. It's usually the losing command that authorizes it. It is for the purpose of house hunting. Several stipulations. If you are unaccompanied or single, you are not authorized PTDY as you will report to the gaining unit and be assigned barracks space.

AR600-8-10 Para 5-32
CPT Company Commander
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
Due to Covid only the gaining unit can authorize PTDY now. You are only allotted the travel days required between duty stations. It is up the gaining unit now. It came out in a MILPER message.
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