Posted on Sep 28, 2015
Capt Walter Miller
"John Boehner was a terrible, very bad, no good speaker of the House. Under his leadership, Republicans pursued an unprecedented strategy of scorched-earth obstructionism, which did immense damage to the economy and undermined America’s credibility around the world.

Still, things could have been worse. And under his successor they almost surely will be worse. Bad as Mr. Boehner was, he was just a symptom of the underlying malady, the madness that has consumed his party.

For me, Mr. Boehner’s defining moment remains what he said and did as House minority leader in early 2009, when a newly inaugurated President Obama was trying to cope with the disastrous recession that began under his predecessor.

There was and is a strong consensus among economists that a temporary period of deficit spending can help mitigate an economic slump. In 2008 a stimulus plan passed Congress with bipartisan support, and the case for a further stimulus in 2009 was overwhelming. But with a Democrat in the White House, Mr. Boehner demanded that policy go in the opposite direction, declaring that “American families are tightening their belts. But they don’t see government tightening its belt.” And he called for government to “go on a diet.”

This was know-nothing economics, and incredibly irresponsible at a time of crisis; not long ago it would have been hard to imagine a major political figure making such a statement. Did Mr. Boehner actually believe what he was saying? Was he just against anything Mr. Obama was for? Or was he engaged in deliberate sabotage, trying to block measures that would help the economy because a bad economy would be good for Republican electoral prospects?

We’ll probably never know for sure, but those remarks set the tone for everything that followed. The Boehner era has been one in which Republicans have accepted no responsibility for helping to govern the country, in which they have opposed anything and everything the president proposes. "
Posted in these groups: Republican logo RepublicansEconomy logo EconomyUs flag 48 stars.svg United States
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Responses: 71
Cpl James Waycasie
Edited >1 y ago
Sir, I hardly ever down vote anyone. Not even the ones that down vote me and I'm not going to down vote you, but I would like to ask a question. besides obviously being a die hard no matter what Democrat, are you related to Obama? You really seem to admire the man. I think that Dr. Carson sets a much better example in personality and concern for this Nation. I respect that you have the right to say and believe whatever, but I have been seriously thinking that you may be related to Obama and perhaps that hinders you from seeing the turmoil he has caused in our Nation. Anyway I disagree with you on a lot of things but I agree that Boehner was no good. I think both sides suck and both sides have been playing let's see who can kill the nation first. My honest opinion though is that your great Obama has done far worse than anyone else and I know you disagree with that , but don't worry, I wouldn't hunt you down and behead you over it, lol Have a good day Sir.
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SGT Rick Ash
Yes we WILL! I am a Constitutionalist Conservative and your facts need checking. Mind quoting a definitive source where we did anything other than trying to fix something the Libtards have screwed up? We own the House, We own the Senate and the time IS near for some real action.
Was Boehner correct in his assessment of Obama's actions? Yes. Obama is at best a community organizer. At worst, a failed leader of the ONLY Superpower left in the world. Look what is happening in Syria right now. We will be lucky if we aren't at war with Russia this time tomorrow night. Good Grief, did you read what you wrote? Just Sayin'....
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
President Obama is the best president in fifty years. He'd be the best president in fifty years if only because he refused to send in US ground troops where extensive experience shows they do more harm than good.

Top U.S. General Says He’s Open to Using Ground Troops to Retake Mosul

WASHINGTON — President Obama’s top military adviser said Thursday that he would consider deploying a limited number of United States forces to accompany Iraqi troops on complex offensive operations to retake Mosul and other areas under control of Sunni militants.

Pentagon Considering U.S. Ground Mission in Iraq

Nov. 13, 2014 | 2:55 p.m. EST
A spring offensive may require boots on the ground in the war-torn country, Gen. Martin Dempsey says.

Top U.S. General Mulls Sending Advisers With Iraqi Ground Troops
BY REUTERS 11/13/14 AT 5:08 PM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. general told lawmakers on Thursday he would consider sending American military advisers to accompany Iraqi troops if they advance against Islamic State militants in the difficult terrain near Mosul and the Iraqi border with Syria.

A lot of US service people and their families can thank President Obama for not letting that happen.

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LCDR Jeffery Dixon
Your opines are just that.. Sad to see them represented as if they were undisputed facts. I have never seen a military officer make such an unqualified and unbalanced remarks.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Are -you- saying that Rep. Boehner didn't make the statements ascribed to him?

Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
How many times does Walt need to hear the same thing from different people -- before the truths they've been telling him sink in? One would reasonably expect even a below average person to show more interest in what others are telling them and catch on faster to the sage advice being offered up by people with more diverse backgrounds and a wealth of experience that Walt is clearly lacking...
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MSgt Solutions Architect/Software Developer/Blockchain Hobbyist
Edited >1 y ago
I expect the next speaker will be closer to the republican base, so I expect more of the same.

Unfortunately, the strongly held beliefs of the republican base and lack of basic critical thinking skills cause them to react to fear mongering from the media and the republican representatives they elected.

When statements are continually made that the POTUS is Muslim, not born in the USA, a socialist, taking my guns, etc., they lose all credibility.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
This is what people who lack critical thinking skills look like:
MSgt Solutions Architect/Software Developer/Blockchain Hobbyist
MSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
I could also post a meme, but I'm not that lazy.
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Capt Jeff S.
A question based on a false premise can only end with a false conclusion.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y don't have an answer.

As I love to say, sheep should certainly be treated like sheep.

Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
You certainly come across as narcissistic and delusional, and you make a lot of incorrect assumptions. Of course I don't have an answer. The question is based on a false premise, therefore any answer I might come up with would be invalid -- like the point you attempted to make.
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PO3 Sherry Thornburg
Haven't been happy with the senate all along. They are the do nothing part of congress. The House has sent lots of good legislation there to be buried and ignored.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
That is what the Framers intended.

Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
No, the Framers did not intend for Congress to be a "Do Nothing" Congress, nor did they expect the Senate to bury and ignore legislation sent to them by the House of Representatives. You should try reading the Constitution. It might open your eyes some.
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
>1 y
Agree with Capt. Schwager, The framers intended the process to be difficult to keep bad laws from being enacted. They never intended the self serving and obstructionist attitudes of today. They intended both houses to work for the common good of the nation.
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TSgt Kenneth Ellis
To much to read. But these are different times. We have had presidents that did nothing. And no it was not Bush. That was in the 19th century. But we never had a president like Obama. Harry Ried would not send bills that Obama would veto. And Obama continues to evade congress by doing executive orders. Then threatening any presidential candidate who would remove him. Rebublicans compromise democrats don't. He did a lot of things that you did not hear about. But he did not do what we he was put in that office for. As majority leader we wanted him to take on Obama. They say give us the house. Next give us the Senate and we do. Know it is give us the White House and we will get things done. You know what really irked me. Was when Mitch Mc'Connell wiuld not use the nuclear option to end depate on Obama Iran agreement. Which is really a treaty. Have them in record for voting no and let Obama veto be on the record.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Obama doesn't care about you. Then why is his signature program health care for all Americans?

SSG Rob Schwandt
SSG Rob Schwandt
>1 y
You stated much to read does not a good citizen make, sounds familiar with Nancy Pelosi when she said we have to pass it to know what is in it. That is the free health care for all that was passed in the night Christmas eve time frame I believe. It is not great for all Americans the Supreme Court ruled it was a tax. Not penalty like pundits say. These crazies you speak of in the house were elected by the people, and as President Obama said elections have conciquences (sp), Well I agree and so did the majority of American people and got rid of the Democrats control in the House and the Senate.
TSgt Kenneth Ellis
TSgt Kenneth Ellis
>1 y
Capt Walter Miller - He just cares about him self and his legacy. He acts like he is a king. He would not let Republicans have any input. And Harry Ried used the Nuclear option to pass it with only 51 votes. Obama is forcing Nuns to pay for birth control.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Nuns should never have to pay for birth control.

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SSG Warren Swan
Capt Walter Miller, Sir, I usually like what you write. I don't always agree with it, but it comes from a different perspective and facts to support it. Some of those facts seem to be more opinionated to me, but they still support your argument. Sir, on this one, I cannot support you. I will not vote you down because you are a Liberal vs. a Conservative, a Dem vs. a Republican. I'm not going to vote this down at all. You've earned free speech the same as the rest of us, but SIR, that headline is bordering on over the top. I'd say this if it was written by someone with conservative views. Neither party has a monopoly on getting things right. In fact, they both specialize in pandering to Big(insert whatever here), yet spoon-feeding America BS disguised as truth. They're not attacking America at all; they're assaulting our individual sense of beliefs, our common sense, and the unity that should be the hallmark of America. Neither party has pushed hard for campaign reforms. Neither has managed to pass a balanced budget. Cruz has managed personally to use a very cheap tool of shutting the government down, but that is him personally and not even all republicans supported him. If there is ANYTHING in DC that is really attacking the US, it's the parties as a whole. Sir I'd ask you to consider that. No matter what you could say about one, the other has screwed up equally as bad.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
The government will work fine if we make it.

The Dems are corrupt most of them, but they are not attacking the country itself.

Have you seen these articles: “Mother drives car full of children into the surf?” “Mother drops off child at fire hall?” There was one maybe 10 years ago where a couple both worked at a hospital in CA as physical therapists. They both got let go the same day. They went home and killed their 5 children and then themselves.

That is because the GOP has been attacking the country -itself- destroying the safety net ON PURPOSE for decades because they are hateful and mean - and racist.

Boehner didnt meet with the Pope, decide to resign and then say "Oh my God, how have I been so vile!"

No. He resigned because he couldn't guarantee to the Toilet Paperers that he could be vile enough.

SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
"The government will work fine if we make it" absolute truth, but it's not a one party is better than the other problem although many see it as such. It's a personal ideology thing where certain members of congress think they are above the common man and their fellow legislators. Unfortunately they are in powerful committees or leaders or sudo-leaders in their respective parties. If America felt she was under attack from within, there would be 600+ individuals in DC who would be in their states unemployment lines. Problem is those individuals attack each other, and we're the ones that pay the price.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
SSG Warren Swan - If both parties wanted the same thing, there would be some sort of equivalence. But it has been since the 1950's since the GOP was the party of "Let's slow down, all this might not be a good idea." - true conservatism.

The GOP has been nothing but bomb throwers since Goldwater.

SSG Gerhard S.
SSG Gerhard S.
>1 y
Both parties DO want the same thing. It is evident based upon their serially consistent actions whether administered by Republicans OR Democrats.... RepubliCrats I like to call them. They BOTH do everything in their power to increase Federal spending, strengthen Federal powers at the expense of the Constitution, and of the people, and take ever more power away from the States, and from the people by completely ignoring the Constitution and it's restraints on Federal power.
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PO2 Peter Klein
The tea baggers and anti-government members of the GOP will no longer be held in check by Boehner. I thought he was a weak Speaker until I realized how messed up some of the GOP are. Just hope McCarthy does not become the new Speaker.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
I don't understand why a couple of dozen Toilet Paperers get to control the GOP caucus, but it seems they do.

Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Good point. :)
PO2 Peter Klein
PO2 Peter Klein
>1 y
Not at all homophobic. Very anti-tea party.
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SPC Nathan Freeman
You're a regular propaganda machine aren't you? Every question you ask begins with a liberal and erroneous misconception.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Love the hat.

Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Love that medal on your ice cream suit. What did you do to earn it?
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