Posted on Apr 6, 2017
SN Greg Wright
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Responses: 49
MCPO Lee Oslund
Over the past ten months I've been troubled by what I've seen vis a vis how we treat our allies vs. how we seem to cozy up to our, for lack of a better word, opponents. First case in point, the Kurds. They've fought by our side since the beginning of the war in Iraq starting in 2003, then beside us fighting ISIS, now we've essentially kicked them to the curb in favor of Turkey who has been very cozy with the Russians. POTUS is very friendly and cozies up to China despite his rhetoric during the campaign. Also, not to be forgotten is a seemingly friendly relationship with Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines. Nor will he say much other than friendly things about Russia.
If I were an ally I, personally, would not place much confidence in the U.S. right now.
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SGT Joseph Alanzo
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CWO2 James Mathews
Well, in my view, NK will never waver until they are severely damaged enough so that their brain-washed populace will rise against him! It is now rumored that NO is or has prepared bombs containing materials to release massive disease causing elements which are in many ways more effective than nuclear weapons. The NK eel well be mad for power and recognition, but they are not stupid, and they, as Asiatics have a car different culture than we enjoy, so their ways and means are far different than our own. Those veterans who have served in Asiatic countries will back my comments certainly! NEVER I underestimate your opposition! Seek not to "conquer"but rather to change! Know your enemy better than yourself!
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SFC Tony Bennett
Probably about as much as the last one,,,,,,,,,,,not at all.
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SPC Ray Hicks
the question you pose is too generalized for a specific answer without the consideration of where our foes are coming from. China's leadership circles is more calculating and logical in it's responses ,henceforth in that They will have a more predicted measured response. Where as, "Little Rocketman" ? is the only top dog with no real balance of the power structure if any . One has to consider his upbringing . Before he became numero uno. he lived a spoiled, catered to murderous (killed his sibling / brother) basically a brat with no limitations or boundaries in his upbringing And playing video games , which btw is illegal or restricted to the slave populace . And as we all know video games has been proven to psychologically , rewire the brain. Just try to take away a controller from a child at dinner / bed time . Now give that same child thermonuclear ICBMs . See my point ! 1st strike on NK is the only possible favorable outcome ..for us and the free world Just like the school yard bullies who chase you beat you up & take your lunch money , or the annoying little dog who gets its jollies nipping your ankles as you walk away . Not untill you turn an kick the little "Sxxx" machine. No , I'm not referring to animal cruelty in any way NK has never adhered to any or kept any agreement ...just like Iran Hang on folks our future will be a bumpy ride .
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SPC Byron Skinner
Sp4 Byron Skinner. I've been seeing this question a lot lately but fir the life of me I can't see any motive for China to put a foot print in the Mediterranean. The Russian already have a 50 year agreement with the Assad Government. With the taking of (?) Raqqah it would appear that there is no reason to continue the undeclared war in Iran. Some of you might say the Kurds, read the newspapers for the third time since 1991 the US will back away for a promise to the Kurds and dump them.

China does gave an interest in the international shipping channels along the the coast of Africa which the Chinese are their problem addressing with a base in Bahrain. I know the US 5th. Fleet is HQ'ed in Bahrain, it has been kicked out.

The Chinese are in the process of building a joint Naval Base, Air Base and the home of at least two Divisions of the PLA. The second wave of ground troops were brought inn in the start of October. Current;t that would bring up the PLA in Bahrain to about a reenforced Regiment. The Navy all of the new ships coming off down the way are going to Bahrain which already has home ported two Destroyers (055) one new Corvette (056) and will receive about half of the new Corvette (0X). Submarines are still being though out about bit it is most likely the Submarines based in Bahrain will be Kilo II's. No Carriers or Nuclear Submarines are being considered at this time.

The other Chinese formation that will likely be bases in Bahrain is an Amphibious flotilla for their small Marine (Naval Infantry) force, a separate PLA Reserve heave armor RegimentThe air base will look very much like a US expedition force. backboned by the J-11 and attack helicopters. THe bad along with service and support troops looks like it could get to 7,500 PLA personal.

This is what think is on the Chinese agenda. President XI now has five years to become another Mao or just another post Mao politician? At this time in history Syria has nothing for China but problems. For the US the issue is to rebuild all of these half million population we reduced to san and gravel.
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SPC Byron Skinner
Sp4 Byron Skinner What happens in Syria means ,title if anything to China or NKorea. Two different wars. Syria is a tactical ground war in Syria with Tactical air for support to to hit specific targets. A war with China by necessity would be a Navy war and depending where it moves for the initial points of contact would determine if a war with China would be regional or Global. I doubt if China has the C6 to conduct outside its physical boundaries. NKorea if it has a nuclear weapon which id doubtful would be a one shot deal. The US retaliation would be massive but limited to NKorea. What the US would do after with the corpse of NKorea is not even being speculated on. Most likely China and Russia would have to conduct reconstruction. The operative issue here is only one man can press a button and have nuclear weapons in the w ay to specific targets anywhere in the world. The US has at se and in silos enough nuclear power to disable NKorea to destroy the country as in Germany in WW II, no the US doesn't have that much nuclear power on line.
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Sgt Heriberto Salinas
I have worked in a co-ed environment, where anytime the women hear about a war outbreak, they freak out. Women who have served in the military don't react the way the civilian women do, when they hear about a scirmish. That might be a point as ro where to start. The subject of war to a person who has never served, is interpretively different to one who has. I think this were we come in. We need to engage in conversation with those who don't know what's going on, as far why we need to go to war, and when. You and I both have to agree on the phrase that the POTUS has coined, "fake news ". As I hear the news report what's going on in countries, that we're problems with, I almost always go to someone who's from there, (born and raised ) or someone who just came from there, to get a better perspective. So, when we or one of our allies engages in a battle of some sort I have a better understanding as to why we did what we did, as opposed to what I hear on TV (fake news ).
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CW2 Michael Mullikin
No, to far away and neither "have a dog in that fight."
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Henning Heinemann
Edited >1 y ago
No, you have to understand what the fight is about Big Picture wise. Remember, if you want to find a way to really win, you have to understand the mind of your enemy and accept that view as a reality, you have no option, because that is the reality you’re going into combat against. In order to do that you have to look at American History from the Communist point of view, so here you go:

The Bolsheviks fought the same Revolution as did the American Founding Fathers, a Revolution against the Aristocracy and their Feudal economy. Their ethics were what inspired Karl Marx, he just evolved their thinking into an industrial society rather than an agrarian one as the United States were.

Unfortunately most Americans don’t understand that we surrendered the American Revolution December 23, 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act, with that all the Founders’ ethics and economics ceased to exist along with Capitalism. You see, to have Capitalism you have to have resource based currency and competitive market providing the resources for that currency. The Federal Reserve Act ended all that, and we started paying Income Tax to the Aristocracy to provide us with debt based currency provided by their financial corporation, Rothschild Group which all of our Reserve Banks are part of, which there is no American Government representation over the management of, and it was all done in our debt. This put us in the exact situation that cased Founders to revolt when it was decreed as a 3% Tax on paper money in The Stamp Act. What failed the Founders Economic rules was the Industrial Revolution and basing currency on Gold And silver. The Industrial Revolution required more capital than the miners could produce. After the Civil War JS Morgan started importing the Aristocracy’s capital back into the US economy and used it to seed all the industrialists of the Gilded Age giving birth to the Robber Barons and the Aristocracy’s court in America. This in turn led to the Federal Reserve Act ceding the economy back to London control and putting en end to the American rebellion.

That is why we got into WWI, we had to protect our London based capital supply. Now WWI was just an extension of the Crimean War, an Aristocracy family feud over which family controls which oilfield profits. Remember the Founders told us to stay out of Europe’s wars, because they knew all these other countries needed and would have the same Revolutions against Feudalism; the time had come in the evolution of mankind that it had to end. Instead we got involved in WWI, and thereby bringing about a defeat that allowed the extraordinarily punitive terms in the Treaty of Versailles, Remember, the Germans didn’t start the war, however, the Windsors are a German family that just recently changed their name to Windsor. This was more Family Feud over oilfield control, and in that period is when we helped them Gerrymander the Middle East which started the wars we are currently fighting.

The Federal Reserve Act also opened up the markets for Consumer Debt, which lead to the The Great Depression.

When the economic conditions of the ToV combined with the Great Depression, there was mass hunger in Germany, this provided the perfect breeding ground for Hitler to come to power. When you make people starve, you start wars, that’s what started the current war in Syria. So in their view, Hitler coming to power was much our fault. Had we not signed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, in 1917 when the Bolsheviks had their revolution it would have been all high fives and mankind’s situation would be much different today. You see, all these borders, they are all artificial, there is only one mankind, unfortunately we’ve given control over humanity to a few families who believe they have the God given right to take advantage of everyone and control all the global resources. That’s why the Founders said “Stay out of Europe’s wars”.

Our treatment of the Soviets in the war, allowing them to incur years of heavy casualties and fighting before starting a second front to give them some relief in a modified Divide and Conquer method, and the treatment as an enemy in the closing of the war, is what created the Cold War, which is just perfect to maintain feudal economies. The Aristocracy only knows War and tyranny. They don’t have any other economic tricks, they are a one trick pony. The Founders understood this perfectly, hence, “Stay out of Europe’s wars.”

We now operate our economy purely on debt; every dollar of private profit is a dollar of public debt, debt that is supposed to “trickle down” through the economy as our lords in London and their court on Wall Street sees fit. Consequently, this is also the cause of most of our domestic problems such as engineered racism. Here’s a brief articulated on the start of that:

We now consume 50% of the global resources traded for nothing more than debt, and we leave the 60% of the world that provides us those resources hungry and in destitute poverty. If they don’t want to trade for our debt and get into our Ponzi scheme global economy that is all managed by one corporation (aka New World Order ala GHW Bush’s inaugural address), we make sure they’re going to live in the Stone Age, and if they don’t, we’ll bomb them into it. You see, that’s how Feudalism works, the simple literal definition is rule by winning the fight.

You see, the Communists never had anything against America, and between WWI and WWII it was a popular concept in America because it correlated with our own Labor Movement. It was not until the 50s that we were instructed that Communists were the enemy and we imprisoned and ruined people for it. However, after WWII we made them an enemy because they were a threat to the Aristocracy Rule over the global economy, so we went into an arms race that assured their resource based economy would be unable to thrive. The only reason we won was because we use made up money.

However we didn’t really win, Perestroika was a change in strategy after watching the results China was seeing. The Chinese are a much older and wiser civilization than any in the west, the world‘s oldest. When Nixon was sent over to open trade and create a billion new consumers to bring into the Ponzi scheme, they seized the opportunity to use the Aristocracy’s own greed to defeat them by playing ball. You see, a Ponzi Scheme always needs fresh blood or eventually it collapses; China was basically a wide open market to tripple the consumer base, all they had to do was build up the Chinese economy. The simplest and most profitable way to do that was to move American and European manufacturing to China, and this played perfectly in timing to the investment they would have had to make to upgrade American manufacturing to meet the new environmental regulations.

Not only did the Chinese take advantage of western investment, they borrowed heavily for internal infrastructure improvements. They have built entire new cities to deal with future needs and have undertaken major infrastructure, especially energy, upgrades. Understanding that all the money we handed them for consumer goods was completely faith based, they treated it like a hot potato and started buying foreign, including American, resources with it from mineral rights, industrial and agricultural capacity, even transportation infrastructure. They have been building infrastructure to improve the lives of the people in those countries that trade with us, but we allow to suffer.

China has been making friends globally, where we have created enemies, all for someone else’s profit to be trickled down to us. China has reared their own approved “Reserve Currency” recognized by the IMF. China has been securing the sea approaches to the Asian oilfields, and NK has been providing a nice distraction. And most importantly, China still remembers the Opium Wars, and is looking to settle that score. That is their goal, to end the Aristocracy’s ability to screw over mankind and all they have to do is collapse Rothschild Group to do it. Likewise the Russians have a similar goal; and guess what? So does Trump, they made him an enemy 30 years ago when they excluded him from the court and wouldn’t give him sponsored play in the global Game of Most, a seat on the top line of the Ponzi scheme that we consider the meaning of life and the most sacred thing to defend. We have turned the Founder’s Freedom into the Freedom to compete to consume the most, climb over and squash down as many people as we can to get as much luxury as possible. This is also the view the Islamists share of our society after WWI. We are not the enemy directly, but we are the 900lb Gorilla that is protecting and serving their enemy.

Now there is only one thing that keeps the western economy valid, and that is the Petrodollar Scheme. All the pieces are in place to collapse it, all they have to do is get the oil producing nations to drop the Petrodollar and shift to PetroYuan, and they succeed. The question is can it be achieved without starting a nuclear war against a society that expects, and even looks forward to, Armageddon? Most possible if there is a concurrent Civil War in America, and we’re getting there. If they allow a limited nuclear war with NK, that would probably do the trick as well because after one nuke EMPs over the US, we won’t be in shape to fight China and win, all we will be able to do is force a tie though extinction. We may do that, but they’re betting against it. Personally at this point I think it’s a bad bet, and I don’t see Trump ordering it because I think he has a deai in place for himself, but there are many more powers in play so it’s a risky bet IMO, but my opinion doesn’t really count here.

When one looks at the state of the world and what it needs for humanity to evolve and move forward, it becomes pretty obvious, food, water, and energy; for all humanity, not just “us”.

There is a way to come out of this all as “winners” though, but it requires getting back to the Founders Resource Based Economics and Anti Feudal ethics. Fortunately we have a technological advantage the Founders didn’t, and that is a scarcity proof commodity that would automatically adjust the capital supply with the capital requirements of society any scale, and that is to use Hydrogen as the backing resource. If set up correctly, we can change from trickle down economics to bubble up economics, where everyone who can still pee, can literally create money. This will finally make even the concept of Usury irrelevant. The Hydrogen Revolution is a revolution of irrelevance, taking the source of the power of tyranny and replacing it with something that serves all of society, including the wealthy themselves (professor Nash proved this in his Equilibrium), better than the current system does. A system that doesn’t waste resources and lives on wars, and force slave labor and suffering, to assure maximum profits for the 1%; while simultaneously securing the global food, water, and energy resources.

If we retasked the Military Industrial Complex and gave them the same budgets they get for war, we could have the infrastructure built out globally to make it happen. With that done and the waste of resources ended, we can finally afford to pursue moving into space, which is where we would be had we not surrendered the Revolution in 1913.

Only when you look through the eyes of your enemy and accept your roll in them being an enemy, can you find lasting solutions that work for everyone.
It’s a tually pretty easy to do even.

Now, the thing I wonder is, “Did anyone read this far?” Lol.
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