Posted on Feb 1, 2016
Would a "Broken Windows" policy work as well in foreign diplomacy as it did in policing America's largest cities?
I would love to hear the reaction from the RP community to this idea...
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 3
It could, in theory, IF we had unilateral authority to actually enforce outside our borders. The issue with "Diplomacy" is the cultural ramifications of crossing borders to correct these broken windows.
It's one thing for a Mayor to cite all jaywalkers. To enforce every crime he or his agents see. It's quite another for us to "assume jurisdiction" in another Mayor's town.
I have no problem with getting rid of monsters. I really don't. We have enough safeguards in our system that those decisions can be made. We have "Diplomacy" to deal with the aftermath. But we must be cautious not to overuse the tool. The Article references Assad, and I would liken him more to a House Fire than to a broken window. That's something anyone can respond to. But how do we argue scale at the Global level?
It's one thing for a Mayor to cite all jaywalkers. To enforce every crime he or his agents see. It's quite another for us to "assume jurisdiction" in another Mayor's town.
I have no problem with getting rid of monsters. I really don't. We have enough safeguards in our system that those decisions can be made. We have "Diplomacy" to deal with the aftermath. But we must be cautious not to overuse the tool. The Article references Assad, and I would liken him more to a House Fire than to a broken window. That's something anyone can respond to. But how do we argue scale at the Global level?
Capt Mark Strobl
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS - I think you nailed it in your opening line with the all-caps, great-big "IF." Following, we're pretty dolt to the cultural ramifications: To say, not every (fill in the nationality) wants us patrolling their neighborhoods.
Just because you have the biggest hammer doesn't mean every problem is a nail. Notice even though he cited Russia's Crimea incursion as an example of a broken window, he didn't give an example of any surgical, limited strike that would fix the problem. Same with Syria. Even now, while we claim to want Assad out, and for good reason, the possible worse outcomes of who takes over limits our options. And in both examples, there is always the very real possibility of an escalation of conflict throughout the region. It would be tragic, to continue to use his example, to one day find out that the entire city was destroyed over the reaction to one broken window.
LTC (Join to see)
CPT Jack Durish - nope. Why do you think any country is acting aggresively because they think Obama is weak and doing things that they wouldn't have done under another president? Do you think Russia wouldn't have invaded Crimea with Bush as president? Do you think AQ and other terrorists wouldn't have attacked in the US and Europe with Bush as president? (Well, obviously they did in a huge way). What do you think would really have been deterred by Bush being president? Do you think Iran wouldn't have captured those sailors? So other than the right wing talking points about mom jeans and the fact that the neocons think any diplomacy is a sign of weakness, why do you think president Obama's weakness has led to actions that wouldn't have otherwise occurred?
CPT Jack Durish
LTC (Join to see) - I'm fascinated by how people can't let go of Bush? Why the hell are you even mentioning Bush? Do you think Bush is the designated butt of all your jokes, all your complaints, all your comparisons? Do you think we should admire Obama because Bush was so... whatever you think of him? Can't you simply look at President Obama and accept him for what he is? No comparisons required. Sorry, I simply can't discuss anything with anyone who is so narrow-minded, so focused on placing blame. I don't play the blame game. You may, if you like. Forgive me, but I have better things to do.
LTC (Join to see)
CPT Jack Durish - i used Bush as an example of a president the conservatives believe was strong. Started two wars, talked tough as a contrast to your assertion that Putin and terrorists are acting differently now due to Obama's weakness. I gave examples of them acting just as aggressively during the term of the so called strong president as the so called weak one. So your claim seems unsupported, and I asked if you had any examples to support your point. And you responded with none, and a rant instead.
So I agree there is no point in us continuing our discussions. If your answer to every question is Obama sucks, with no supporting evidence, it gets rather predictable and tiresome.
So I agree there is no point in us continuing our discussions. If your answer to every question is Obama sucks, with no supporting evidence, it gets rather predictable and tiresome.
It might work if there was a consensus among nations on which breaking of windows actually have a potential to affect the international relations and order CPT Jack Durish. This should not be a unilateral approach by the US. I would also never want the UN to be arbiter since they would go after low hanging fruit such as perceived violations of the UN convention of child and clean are or environmental issues first.
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