Posted on Jun 16, 2017
MAJ Bryan Zeski
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SGT Writer
There was a video someone posted here a while ago that stated the biggest reason for the "equality gap" between genders regarding finance was that more women preferred job fields that simply didn't pay as much. I think it makes sense. Social workers and teachers don't make nearly as much for the effort required of them.

To answer your question, I say "no". Most of the issues we have in the US today result from too many people only caring about themselves and the government trying to regulate too much. Nevermind the select few that want to give all power solely to the government.

Be the change you seek, lead by example, teach your kids selflessness, and make the most of the power you have now.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) I didn't just mean the gender gap, but also the race-gap. Most of the statistics regarding the wage-gap relate wages of men and women in the same job in the same field - not overall.

I agree that many of the problems we have result from people only "caring about themselves" which is exactly why a two-year service program would greatly benefit us. It would give impressionable young adults two-years of experience and skills outside of their comfort zone where they would interact and work with people from all walks of life. They would get outside of their personal bubble and see the country - and world - through a larger lens. That is a great benefit to society.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski - I served in my communities VFD and also a neighboring community's ambulance company. A very young paramedic was only a paramedic because it was what his family did. Within a year of him getting his license, nobody would serve on a shift with him. He was the very dangerous mix of:
3)Lacking Commitment
4)Lacking Judgment
5)Lacking desire
Police, firefighters, and EMT's operate with a degree of independence minimal oversight that most entry level military members don't typically experience. I think it would be a very bad idea.
SGT Writer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski -
Complimenting what Maj John Bell said, the appreciation and enforcement of discipline and standards must be there. The "volunteer" checkbox gives a way to check where someone's heart is. Remove that in 2017 in such job fields and you can get more PC-related entitlement BS.
SrA Tony Schamberger
SrA Tony Schamberger
>1 y
I had a husband and wife call me at the Health Insurance Marketplace. They both worked at a Chinese restaurant and had the same amount of hours, the woman (wife) who was calling to update the account had elaborated a little more than I expected and shared they did the same exact job and started there together. He was making 1200$ every 2 weeks while she was making 800$. It was the most obvious case of gender inequality I had ever seen. Even I caught myself from saying anything because generally it's not so in your face obvious as this was. (Granted I'm going off what she told me, but I didn't see any reason to lie, she was updating their income to ensure they were getting the right tax credits).

Being said I was kind of taken back, while I agree the should be equal pay for the same job, I still wrestle with the notion that the women can do anything men can do a vise versa. From both a physical and mental standpoint we're equal in that we have strengths and weakness the other sex makes up for, what males might lack in empathy/emotion; women are strong in that. Etc. so it's like saying we're equal but we're not the same. However performance at a job I think is performance based and if a woman/man can do the same without cost to the employer then equality by all means.
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SSG Roger Ayscue
I don't know nor do I really care about an "EqualityGap" HOWEVER...I believe that two years of MANDATORY SERVICE, to be served BEFORE a single dime of taxpayer money goes toward the education of an individual, two years of service BEFORE a college application can be accepted would do two things that this country desperately needs.
1: Increase the Maturity Level on college campuses across the nation. They had to work too hard to get there...Rich or waste it on Beer and Bong Resin
and Most Importantly
2: Destroy the "Attitude of Entitlement"...You EARN that education because the taxpayers do not owe you shit for just being born.
One year of free Education for every year of approved Federal, State or Community service.

It will also have a couple other side benefits. Kids would no longer enter the workforce book smart but common sense stupid, weighted down with thousands of dollars of student debt. It will teach the next generation that there IS something more important than their little, sensitive snowflake ass. Want a great leveler? Let the child of the CEO of Bank Of America serve in the Marines as a PRIVATE to EARN College and a CHANCE to be an officer, not just jump into ROTC with a 1.5 GPA because Daddy is a billionaire...OR if he is too sensitive to serve in the military, let him empty bed pans and wipe some grandpappy's butt in a nursing home for a couple years to LEARN that he is NOT special to ANYONE but his mommy.
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SGT Motor Transport Operator
I think it should be mandatory, but then nothing. You get turned out into the real world like everyone else.
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