Posted on Feb 11, 2016
CPT Jack Durish
I'm not surprised. Are you? After all, socialism promises to replace mommy and daddy with a paternalistic system that will provide for their every want thus allowing them to live as children in perpetuity. Personally, I consider this an indictment of the American education system. Civics has been eliminated from the classroom and Leftist ideologues have replaced it with indoctrination.

I'll tell you something else that's interesting: RP has a "Topic" for "Socialism" but not "Capitalism". What's up with that?
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 52
MSgt Rena Schmidt
They like the "idea" until they can own nothing and are being told what to do all the time. This is the generation of everybody gets a star and nobody is "special, talented, or different". From kindergarten through college they have been spoon fed falsehoods and lies. Most parents were raised the same way, so it is a planned attack. I liked the early 60's prior to women's liberation (which didn't) and all the drugs and the "free" love stuff.
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CPT Quentin von Éfáns-Taráfdar
You are so right, Jack!
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PO1 Jack Howell
No. It seems as though more and more people are growing up with a sense of entitlement and are looking for the government to take care of them instead of doing so themselves.
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Sgt Comm Center Operator
Edited >1 y ago
Young people are dead in the water. So they look for change. In America today i think people come over the non-existent wall. Next day give birth and that process sets them off on a 10 years paid vacation , food , rent , medical & education to a degree. Regular twenty somethings must fend for them self and there is just no way for 9 out of 10 to afford a family and home of any kind. So we have our own people looking at undocumented and saying to them self , what gives. How come the people down the street , the people that don't speak English well. How come their bills are payed for by Uncle-SAM. I thought Uncle-SAM was my Uncle. ** So of course Millennials want Socialism it's a better deal for them. After all what we have now is Fascism and it produced the 1 - % and we need to get rid of that fast before the greed takes us all down.
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LT Damage Control Assistant
Edited >1 y ago
If you want to know what's up with "kids today," you have to look at parents today. Baby Boomers grew up with modern conveniences that would have been inconceivable to kings and emperors a generation ago, then took that luxury for granted and passed along to their children a rabid consumer culture that makes everyone believe that they can "have it all." Not only can you not have it all, there's a real good chance that in trying, you'll end up with nothing at all.

If you were born between 1946 and 1964, you have NO right at all to complain about the entitlement mentality of Millennials, because you were the ones who nurtured and encouraged it. That's why we have a population that needs a card in their wallet to tell them how much to tip at a restaurant but don't hesitate to take interest-only mortgages, brag about how little they're paying, then blames the Big Evil Corporations when they go upside down.

So no, I'm not surprised that people my age are into Socialism. It was entirely predictable, because just ten years ago all I heard from high schoolers and college students were the glories of free market capitalism and Randian Objectivism when America was having too much fun with the housing boom to check if the numbers added up. As soon as the party was over and we had to pay some bills, suddenly it's all about collective effort and social programs and "screw the rich pigs, maaaaaan!" The only philosophy people truly ascribe to is whichever suits them most at the moment.

Newsflash, kids: the system is rigged against you. Is that really so shocking? Were you really expecting something different? Big corporations hire lobbyists. They're paid insanely high salaries to lobby both parties. What did you think they were lobbying for? "Fairness?" Tipping the scales in favor of the working man?
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
>1 y
I was born in that time frame and I have four children who are all self supporting, mostly paid their own way through college (or have paid back the loans THEY took), none have interest only's about the values you give them. My last one who is now in college is working her way through, has a full time job and makes me proud every day.
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SSG Delanda Hunt
Doesn't surprise me at all, this has to be the worst generation ever. This generation especially the youth is being brain washed by the Progressive Liberal Professors and now we are starting to see the results. They in turn will pass it on to their children and soon we will be in a total meltdown and the Country will no longer exist.
SFC Platoon Sergeant
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
I don't think it has to end that way.
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SGT Dave Tracy
Edited >1 y ago
I've said for years that the American education system needed to put more emphasis on economics in both high school and college. Directly and indirectly, we all are affected by the economic environment we live in every day; yet many people don't know the difference between a stock & a bond, think the lottery is as good a retirement plan as the stock market and carries no more risk, and apparently can't understand there are high economic and social costs to the concept of "free" (Bernie voters, I'm looking your way on this.).
I'm not so much surprised in the attraction of socialism in America today (though I'm not sure just how well its newest adherents can even define socialism), as I am disappointed in just how poorly we have educated kids in the last 20 or so years.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Most of the Evil Empire Socialist have either gone completely think USSR now Capitalist Russia, China with it's own stock market is operating a mix of Socialism/Capitalism. Cuba which we are now reestablishing a relationship with now. Vietnam which is running and Outstanding Tourism Program for US Vietnam Vets. The only realistic example that they have is the Socialism they Practice in Northern Europe which quality of life speaking is exceeding the US by far lately. What is there not to like? Youngsters are not stupid, they are not falling for that "Evil Red Menace" propaganda that their Fathers and Grandfathers fell for. Good for them.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
SGT Efaw (Mick) G. - Yeah Right Wing Propaganda about the Evil Socialist Countries doesn't quite wash when I've spent time in some of these "Socialist" Hell Holes like England, Canada, Germany and Hong Kong (When the Brits owned it).
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
>1 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - those are not socialist countries. They have some socialist aspects. England is discovering they can't afford their health care system; I watched it in action. Nothing gets done unless it is an emergency.
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CPT Company Commander
I would honestly be surprised if most millenials could define socialism. Most of them are just upset that they're graduating college in mountains of student debt to find out there are no jobs available. It's this economic situation that makes them more susceptible to liberal politicians promising free entitlements. While it is concerning in the short term, I don't think it's a long term problem.
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PFC Stephen Eric Serati
I think they see the writing on the walls,and that capitalism is nessecary but shouldn't dictate policy.Our system is set up to allow Socialism-Capitalism-and Humanism to work in concert with one another.Whats happened over many years is Capitalism has stopped working in concert with the others.The Millennials see this happening and want to reign in unbridled Capitalism.To bring it back in concert.Hope this makes sense.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
I have started and restarted this comment several times. How does one respond to the assertion that "Our system is setup to allow Socialism-Capitalism-and Humanism to work in concert..." We would have to back up and define every word in that sentence (with the exception of "is" Unlike Bill Clinton, most of us can handle that one) After reaching an understanding of that, I think we could dismiss the following statement regarding "...Capitalism has stopped working in concert with the others." It would be apparent to anyone with any understanding of the previous sentence that this one is a non sequitur.
PFC Stephen Eric Serati
PFC Stephen Eric Serati
>1 y
I would start by understanding the words and the dynamics of combining the three together to make a more perfect Union.Our Founding Fathers and even our past and present Presidents have warned us of Unbridled capitalism,as in the the wealthy spending money to buy elections,and corporations spending their cash and using their influence over their employees to get legislation passed that benefits a few while squeezing the middle-class and poor more and more. Who am I my to argue with them.Respectfully.
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