SGM (Join to see) Influence Score

Influence Score:
Influence Rank:
322 out of 5,889 E-9s
Date Joined:
August 30, 2014
How this member compares to other E-9s:
Top 6%
Overall Influence
Top 4%
Network Influence
Top 7%
Knowledge Influence

Top Influencers More options arrow rotated

All Time Rank All Time Points
MGySgt Network Operations Chief
1 1,650,487
SGM Matthew Quick
2 865,073
CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
3 714,344
CMSgt Senior Enlisted Leader
4 603,713
SGM G3 Sergeant Major
5 322,703
CSM Geologist
6 312,473
SGM 1st Cav Div Command Career Counselor
7 202,267
CSM Battalion Command Sergeant Major
8 191,493
CSM William Everroad
9 137,963
CSM Infantry Senior Sergeant
10 130,694
CSM Civil Affairs Specialist
11 130,209
SGM Operations Sergeant Major
12 122,665
CSM Battalion Command Sergeant Major
13 107,551
SGM Sergeant Major
14 92,044
CMSgt Operations Group Superintendent
15 84,670
CSM Aircraft Maintenance Senior Sergeant
16 74,062
SGM Special Forces Senior Sergeant
17 71,950
SGM Psychological Operations Specialist
18 65,657
MGySgt Civil Military Operations Senior Enlisted Advisor
19 65,560
SGM G3 Sergeant Major
20 59,630
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