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k.) Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene defends speaking at conference organized by white nationalist

02/26/22 01:44 PM EST

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) on Saturday defended attending a white nationalist conference in Orlando, Fla., on Friday night, arguing that she was only there to “talk to the audience.”

In a recorded interview Saturday with CBS News correspondent Robert Costa, Greene said she did not personally know Nick Fuentes, a white nationalist leader who organized Friday night’s conference at the  Orlando World Center Marriott.

“I don’t know what his views are, so I’m not aligned with anything that may be controversial,” Greene said. “I went to his event last night to address his very large following because that is a young, very young, following and a generation I am extremely concerned about.”

Fuentes, a podcaster and talk show host whom the Anti-Defamation League has deemed a white supremacist, founded the America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC) in 2020, which has attracted far-right leaders.

SOURCE : https://thehill.com/homenews/house/595980-marjorie-taylor-greene-defends-attendance-at-white-nationalist-conference-the/amp/


GOP leaders denounce Greene, Gosar for speaking at white nationalist event

Top Republicans in the House and the Senate rebuked the two lawmakers for addressing the America First Political Action Conference over the weekend.

WASHINGTON — GOP leaders in the House and the Senate on Monday denounced a pair of far-right Trump allies — Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., and Paul Gosar, R-Ariz. — for speaking at a gathering of white nationalists in Florida over the weekend.

“There’s no place in the Republican Party for white supremacists or anti-Semitism,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said in a terse statement.

SOURCE : https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna18050

kkk.) Mariorie Taylor Greene speaks at white nationalist event

Herschel Walker drops out of upcoming Marjorie Taylor Greene event after she speaks at white nationalist conference

National GOP leaders are condemning Rep. Greene, but most of Georgia's GOP politicians are not, including Walker.

Other state Republican leaders are mostly keeping silent as well — condemning white nationalists and what they stand for, but not criticizing Greene for participating in the event. She is a favorite of former President Donald Trump.

This is not the first time the Republican lawmaker has been infamously in the spotlight.

Greene was permanently suspended from Twitter in January after consistent bouts of temporary suspension, for allegedly posting COVID-19 misinformation and posting false information about the elections.

She has also previously expressed support for the far-right conspiracy theory QAnon, and has been criticized for a series of racist comments.
On Friday, Greene spoke at the America First Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida.
AFPAC founder Nick Fuentes welcomed Greene in glowing terms in his address prior to her speech, praising her as “a fighter” who is working to change the system from the inside.

That’s when the crowd chanted her initials. Fuentes continued his opening address, bringing up Russia and Vladimir Putin.

"Can we give a round of applause to Russia?" Fuentes asked.

The crowd cheered, and chanted, “Putin! Putin! Putin!”
"Absolutely, absolutely," Fuentes responded.

Fuentes said “America is the great Satan,” exporting "transsexuals, Black Lives Matter, the gay pride flag" to the world. 

"You know, being an American used to mean something, and now it means all this crap,” he continued. 

Fuentes said the movement he and his followers are leading will build a new America.

“We are Christian, white men. And you know what Christian white men are great at doing? Building things,” he said.

Greene told the crowd she has empathy for them.

SOURCE : https://www.11alive.com/amp/article/news/politics/herschel-walker-drops-marjorie-taylor-greene-event-after-she-speaks-at-white-nationalist-conference/85-7db0b61b-b2db-491a-9027-90edaf2fe3ab
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