Responses: 5
What happens when someone verbalizes what we all have thought at some point or another as we stood in sheep entrails by Dora Market, stepped in the sewage in the street in Jerf as su kar, face planted in a rice paddy or wadded through trash in what ever third world country street you find yourself trying to bring peace and harmony to. "What a shit hole"!
Vulgar and politically incorrect... yes. True at it's core.... Yes. If you claim to have never said it or thought it... Then you've either never experienced the true joy of bringing freedom and happiness to our world through military ops, or you're not being truthful with the community or yourself.
Why are these shitholes like that; partly because the governments don't have persistent public works programs in place in those countries to address those issues. Partly because of war and strife damaging the infrastructure, Partly because the people don't do things that they could to help remedy the situation on their own, regardless of the government or strife. Doesn't take a rocket scientist or big brother to burn your trash, or dig a pit and cover your animal waste or make a burn bucket to deal with human waste.
Vulgar and politically incorrect... yes. True at it's core.... Yes. If you claim to have never said it or thought it... Then you've either never experienced the true joy of bringing freedom and happiness to our world through military ops, or you're not being truthful with the community or yourself.
Why are these shitholes like that; partly because the governments don't have persistent public works programs in place in those countries to address those issues. Partly because of war and strife damaging the infrastructure, Partly because the people don't do things that they could to help remedy the situation on their own, regardless of the government or strife. Doesn't take a rocket scientist or big brother to burn your trash, or dig a pit and cover your animal waste or make a burn bucket to deal with human waste.
LTC Orlando Illi

Obama has said David Cameron allowed Libya to become a 's*** show'
Barack Obama has sharply criticised David Cameron for the UK’s role in allowing Libya to become a “shit show” after the fall of the dictator Muammar Gaddafi, in an unprecedented attack on a British leader by a serving US President. Mr Obama said that following a successful military intervention to aid rebels during the 2011 Arab Spring revolt, Libya was left to spiral out of control – due largely to the inaction of America’s European allies.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
He was talking about the PEOPLE from those countries all the blown. smoke in the universe will not change that.
1SG Dennis Hicks
I think Jupiter is a real shit hole what with that great big all seeing eye winking at us all the time and Pluto has been pretty shifty these last few years what with changing its gender from Dwarf Planet to planettoid and back.
LTC Orlando Illi
I for one think that Cardassia Prime is a SHITHOLE. After all look what they did to Bajour
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