I merely thought to submit this particular website as an illustration, in light of what I had submitted about video games earlier, and in hopes of reflecting a somewhat more balanced viewpoint. To all on here, please do know that I of course do very seriously take the entire field of video games as quite serious research, most especially in light of their simulation value, as well as from the standpoint of both therapeutic devices, apart from their purely entertainment value. Many years ago, I became quite heavily engrossed in the psychophysics of such simulation techniques, albeit, as I'd said, quite a long while back, before my now total perm disability, of course. I do certainly, and most entirely, agree, with all of the various thoughts I'd received, and merely hoped to assure all on here that my sole object in submitting the material I'd previously listed, was, of course meant purely as light hearted banter, certainly, by all means. Many yrs ago, I had a very thought provoking thing happen to me, that I was reminded of in this instance. my best friend from when I'd been in, had been assigned to an adjoining unit to my own. One day, I just happened to have a few minutes to walk over his way, as we'd been going to get something to eat. While by his office on that occasion, I chanced to meet him with another more senior civil servant with whom he'd been doing some very serious scientific research. I then, obv not realizing the seriousness of the effort they were involved with, chanced to say something, quite honestly, I forget what now, as it was obv some 30+ yrs ago. However, I was then made well aware, in light of the discussion by the researcher he was assisting, just how much was actually involved scientifically in the subject they were engaged in. Mortified, obviously, I then very clearly realized from then on that, in science, of any kind, quite frequently, I often had an unfortunate propensity, which I've since of course long tried to curtail, albeit not always successfully, unfortunately, to not always entirely understand the serious ramifications of a given scientific topic, that I'd often just as frequently mistakenly ascribe as being an intellectually lightweight area. In this case, to all on here, pls do know that I obv, by no means, was under any such mistaken illusions in this particular instance, I just wanted to assure all of you, and more than entirely realize the very serious scientific nature and value of video games, in many scientific areas, both clinical, as well as in multiple industrial areas. I only sought to try to introduce some light-hearted banter, as I'd said before, into the entire topic of that latest video game craze that's been online of late, and, likewise, do entirely understand that considerable social good has evidently also been derived from it, as well. When I was a kid, I was crazily enthusiastic about, e.g., amateur radio, and can certainly appreciate that others, decades later, would just as readily embrace such technology as now exists, which, I also wanted to reassure all on here, I entirely likewise realize the very obv sophistication of, certainly, as well. As another illustration, when one of my brothers had been an undergrad at one of the academies, he'd been doing some coursework while home on break at one point, on marine engineering. I, having been led to misogynisticaly think all engineering had to be highly mathematical, once again, albeit earlier on, rather narrow-mindedly was obv wholly misttaken in my scientific outlook, of course, which error I have, over the ensuing yrs, sought to rectify in many discussions since then with my brother on many serious science areas he was later involved with, as well. I hope that explanation might thus help ameliorate any similar possible short sightedness I may have inadvertently exhibited, in this instance, by all means, and merely wanted to try to assure all those on here that what I'd submitted was, of course, only intended as humor, though I of course entirely understand the views of those who might have thought I was making light of a very serious area of science, as well as a topic of very great social benefit, in numerous instances. Sevl of those who'd read what I'd submitted had mentioned they'd understood my intentions, for which spexpressed sentiments, of course, my wife and I are both most grateful. We only merely thought to have me submit this article, as an illustration that I, for mympart, most certainly, do likewise entirely understand the countervailing viewpoint, by all means. In future, most certainly, I will obv try to keep both sides of such a topic in proper perspective, in any effort at humor I might in the future seek to submit, I'd of course be most eager for any thoughts, whenever convenient, and would be most grateful, most certainly, to hear them, many thanks once again.