Posted on Nov 24, 2019
3 Questions We Must Stop Asking About Immigrants
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 4
This article is complete crap. It start with a horrible premise based on the writer's anecdotes and assumptions of others. Most Americans love and embrace our immigrant roots. The acts and examples of the few do not represent the reality in this nation. These examples can be found in virtually every nation and in much more significant numbers. But I also seriously take issue the following statement from this article;
1. "There is an American myth built into the founding of our nation, an idea that the United States is God’s gift to white evangelicals." - This is complete crap!
To address the 3 points:
1. "Are they legal?" That is for employers and government authorities to decide/determine and we must stop preventing them from finding out through sanctuary city policies. For a private citizen to suspect and accuse/question another of their status is similar to someone challenging a disabled veteran parking in a handicapped space. You do this at your own risk of looking like a moron. However, if you happen to definitively learn the individual is here illegally, you have every right to report this information to the authorities. There is no need for you to confront the individual(s).
2. "What if they're criminals?" Like ANY individual one suspects of criminal behavior, we have a duty to report that to the authorities. Again, there is no need to confront anyone unless you see an immediate risk to someone's safety. That is what law enforcement does.
3. "What Would Our Service Industry Be Without Immigrants?" This is nothing more than a uneducated joke based on stereotypes. As I mentioned in point #1, it is up to an employer or the authorities to determine this. So yes, if and when I hire someone to perform ever household tasks, I ask for ID. Not just to determine immigration status, but to also ensure I have all the information on this individual for the safety of my family when I allow this person in my home. It's kind of like a border thing... I don't just let anyone in and anyone who comes in doesn't get to stay indefinitely without my approval.
Finally, I find it laughable this article concludes with this "Let’s refrain from name calling, insults, and slander." And yet in the article the author uses insulting and slanderous language to make their point. Is it so hard to understand I, as a white Christian male, have no problem with immigrants of any race, color, religion, or gender coming into this nation, as long as they do so legally? Is it also that hard to understand we must have borders and limits to how many people can come into this nation? And finally, do they realize that by enforcing our borders and immigration policies we can actually increase the numbers of legal immigrants and asylum seekers we approve to come in? All that said, I appreciate what the author wants, for all of us to treat each other with "humility, love, gentleness" and I would add respect. But I think she also needs a dose of reality in understanding of the limits of our generosity.
1. "There is an American myth built into the founding of our nation, an idea that the United States is God’s gift to white evangelicals." - This is complete crap!
To address the 3 points:
1. "Are they legal?" That is for employers and government authorities to decide/determine and we must stop preventing them from finding out through sanctuary city policies. For a private citizen to suspect and accuse/question another of their status is similar to someone challenging a disabled veteran parking in a handicapped space. You do this at your own risk of looking like a moron. However, if you happen to definitively learn the individual is here illegally, you have every right to report this information to the authorities. There is no need for you to confront the individual(s).
2. "What if they're criminals?" Like ANY individual one suspects of criminal behavior, we have a duty to report that to the authorities. Again, there is no need to confront anyone unless you see an immediate risk to someone's safety. That is what law enforcement does.
3. "What Would Our Service Industry Be Without Immigrants?" This is nothing more than a uneducated joke based on stereotypes. As I mentioned in point #1, it is up to an employer or the authorities to determine this. So yes, if and when I hire someone to perform ever household tasks, I ask for ID. Not just to determine immigration status, but to also ensure I have all the information on this individual for the safety of my family when I allow this person in my home. It's kind of like a border thing... I don't just let anyone in and anyone who comes in doesn't get to stay indefinitely without my approval.
Finally, I find it laughable this article concludes with this "Let’s refrain from name calling, insults, and slander." And yet in the article the author uses insulting and slanderous language to make their point. Is it so hard to understand I, as a white Christian male, have no problem with immigrants of any race, color, religion, or gender coming into this nation, as long as they do so legally? Is it also that hard to understand we must have borders and limits to how many people can come into this nation? And finally, do they realize that by enforcing our borders and immigration policies we can actually increase the numbers of legal immigrants and asylum seekers we approve to come in? All that said, I appreciate what the author wants, for all of us to treat each other with "humility, love, gentleness" and I would add respect. But I think she also needs a dose of reality in understanding of the limits of our generosity.
One thing we must remember, however, that there are rules. We cannot let everyone in as though we have no borders. Sovereignty is valid & if people would not be deceived by the UN & other groups, huge amounts of people wouldn't arrive trying to force their way into the Country. That being said, most aren't evil. Some are. The same as in any population.
But the whole crisis at our border was created & funded by groups w a particular agenda: to destroy our sovereignty. The UN & certain groups I'd never heard of funded those masses. It has been orchestrated from the beginning by groups who do not want an America where the rule of law exists.
So, I have compassion for those truly in need. But, I have none for those who demand access.
But the whole crisis at our border was created & funded by groups w a particular agenda: to destroy our sovereignty. The UN & certain groups I'd never heard of funded those masses. It has been orchestrated from the beginning by groups who do not want an America where the rule of law exists.
So, I have compassion for those truly in need. But, I have none for those who demand access.
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