Responses: 4
You see the problem with folks who use the draft dodger label about Trump have no idea what a draft dodger is, Draft dodgers burned their draft cards, ran to Canada/Mexico or overseas. This who got out of the draft using the system in place while not respected didn't dodge the draft, they used the system. Being former military is not a requirement for President as was proven many times to include Bumbling Barry. The turn over in the WH staff is to be expected, Trump is not a politician and loves to fire folks, take that and the entrenched deep state and the 24x7 attack on his character and attempts to keep his campaign promises its all good. He is doing exactly what I voted for him to do, the multi month crying jags of the butt hurt and the empty, non productive attempts and playing gotcha with him are all solid gold entertainment and whatever people voted him into office to do. The side effect is all the usual suspects and some hidden assets are all outing themselves for what they really are, the problem with politics in this country so this is me for the next 6 years............
1SG Dennis Hicks
GySgt John Olson - Well lest see 4 student deferments and a medical exam that removed him from the draft, while he gets no respect from me for avoiding the draft. I have him MANY steps over those who chose to run, burned their cards and hid. I have slightly more respect for those who stayed and fought it and went jail. My older Brother received two student deferments because he was in college and was finally not called due to a high number and the draft being halted. Deferments for the draft have been around from day one, using them is your option and doesn't automatically make you a POS. So many in this country haven't a clue as to what a real draft dodger is and how many famous folks out there are DRAFT dodgers, These sheep repeat Draft dodger like its a chant because they hate him and still have no idea what it is. I am a dumb ass, I was a few years to young to have qualified for service,back then but it didn't stop me from trying to enlist like my dad did in WWII. It was a jar head Gunny that showed him what was wrong with his PROOF of age :) and he fixed it and joined the Army.
You got that right any and I mean Draft Dodgier should get a Mark and a card saying they avoided the Draft and should be allowed to vote period on anything as far as I'm concern they are a waste of HUMAN FLESH !!!!!
SPC Erich Guenther
Even those that served during the Vietnam War in the National Guard, you consider a Draft Dodger because that is the position of the poster of this thread.
MCPO Roger Collins
Lots of Draft Dodgers over past years, according to these exemptions and classifications. Including many former presidents and Congress people.
I'm not a fan either. I knew him in DC and I think he's dangerous. I believe the Pres could have made a much better pick. Wonder how he became such a hawk when he avoided active service himself, because it's easier to commit others than yourself?
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