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Responses: 4
COL John McClellan
These are incidences of individual bad behavior and certainly hurt the professional reputation of all of us with those we serve and protect, but -- I'm not sure I'd call these anecdotes "epic military leadership failures"... I'd save that kind of hyperbole for actual battlefield failures, strategic blunders, or fraud, waste and abuse on the scale of multi-millions, etc. Things that got our Soldiers killed, defrauded the Government to personally enrich a senior leader, or otherwise rose to the level of "epic." This stuff is just sad.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
COL John McClellan, If you look up Westmorland, you will see what you described, as the definition of him.
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SFC Clark Adams
Edited 9 y ago
Since the Korean War our military leadership has failed in convincing the politicians to not recklessly commit our forces to conflicts that THE POLITICIANS won't set total victory as the goal. We have forces deployed around the globe in open ended commitments w/o an established or known end point. The only Flag Officers to publicly speak up in my memory were MG Singlaub and GEN Shinseki. I fully understand civilian control of our military, but I don't understand how Flag Officers can permit our military personnel to be killed and maimed in the pursuit of unstated or obscure goals for years on end!
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
SFC Clark Adams, Vietnam was one of those "conflicts" with no end in sight and if you lived, every day, it was on a wing and a prayer. False reports to the POTUS, lying about body count on both sides, no clear plans as to how to end the "conflict", or win it. It really sucked due to no solid plans on how to win.
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SSG Warren Swan
All of those are bad. It left out LTG Ward, and GEN(s) Patreus and Mathis. Mathis didn't do anything wrong other than intimidate everyone and have deadly unregistered knife hands. This "Soldier", made all of them pale in comparison. I don't care what your political view is, I don't care if you don't like Obama or Bush, at NO time should ANY SM or vet get on national TV and call the sitting President a "pussy". It's not cute, it's extremely unprofessional, and in a climate where jokes aren't "jokes", and everything we do as a military community is under heavy scrutiny, to do this is embarrassing as hell. What this "Soldier" did reflects on ALL of us regardless of branch. It serves those who already think we're undisciplined, unruly, entitled killers, when that's not the case. 1A gives you the right to say whatever the hell is on your mind. 1A does not guarantee the fallout of your actions won't have adverse actions to you, or those who are still serving. He BAR NONE is the worst thing that has called themselves a "leader" of any branch in the last decade.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
SFC Clark Adams - My displeasure is at the message, and the fact that he said it using his rank and branch. Had he just said it as Joe Smuckatelli representing himself, no problem. Happens every day. Add Joe Smucjatelli LTC USA ret and then say it, you're again representing the servicemembers who would not say this in public whether or not they believe it or not. His qualifications mean nothing, his past service means nothing, you just insulted the CINC in a manner that would be seen as unprofessional by some of his biggest detractors, so how does he get a pass? Your status as retired means nothing unless your goal is to retire just so you can say the most ignorant things and use "I'm a retiree and have defended this land, so I'll say as I please". It's a cop out, and plain wrong.
SFC Clark Adams
SFC Clark Adams
9 y
SSG Warren Swan - And if he was praising the CINC, using the same identification your reaction would be??
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
SFC Clark Adams - Bottom line is this. Whether or not you like the man, you don't blatantly disrespect him like that. If you think that is ok, that is a reflection on you and your leadership style. I do not think it's professional, will not think it's professional, and will not support someone who does. Had he given praise to him, that again is not disrespectful. Praise = PUBLIC, Punishment or Admonishment = PRIVATE. A simple thing every NCO should know and do. And being retired does not give you an open ended right to be a disrespectful individual to anyone. All this is in line with if I won't say it to your face and take whats coming, I won't say it at all. I personally will not call you a pussy on RP. If I can't say it to your face then there's no point here. I'm more disciplined, and professional than to stoop to that level of ignorance.
SFC Clark Adams
SFC Clark Adams
9 y
SSG Warren Swan - I can accept your personal position, but he is a commentator paid to express his opinion. As a supervisor dealing one on one you can easily apply the praise in public , punish in private , but not in the media world. I'm sure that if he was in agreement with the POTUS's actions and praising him many folks would be happy and not the least bit concerned about the use of his military status. You can't have it both ways.
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