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Responses: 1
SFC Casey O'Mally
Mediabiasfactcheck is itself a biased source. They lean pretty decently to the left, and skew all of their ratings - both for bias and credibility - in line with that.

Compare their ratings with those of http://www.allsides.com
You'll see the discrepancy pretty quick.

Note that allsides has fact checker and bias raters from left, right, and center, AND they explain their ratings and how they got them.
MAJ James Fitzgerald
MAJ James Fitzgerald
>1 y
I took a quick look. It is set up differently, but does give you three perspectives. It also ranks the source, which is helpful. Thanks for sharing. Perhaps between MBFC and AllSides, it will encourage others to check out what they are reading and/or being told. Whichever one works for a given individual should be helpful. I have not been exposed to negative feedback on MBFC, and what I have checked out on my own seemed to be okay, including Bias ratings. It is impossible to completely remove all bias from any of these sites I guess. Regardless, whichever one selects to use for his/her purposes would be better than depending on what we see today in print or digital form as being true. I think the military community by and large would be Center to Right, but certainly there are those who lean to the left who have served and our currently serving. Thanks again for sharing. I hope others will look at both sites.
MAJ James Fitzgerald
MAJ James Fitzgerald
>1 y
I took a quick look. It is set up differently, but does give you three perspectives. It also ranks the source, which is helpful. Thanks for sharing. Perhaps between MBFC and AllSides, it will encourage others to check out what they are reading and/or being told. Whichever one works for a given individual should be helpful. I have not been exposed to negative feedback on MBFC, and what I have checked out on my own seemed to be okay, including Bias ratings. It is impossible to completely remove all bias from any of these sites I guess. Regardless, whichever one selects to use for his/her purposes would be better than depending on what we see today in print or digital form as being true. I think the military community by and large would be Center to Right, but certainly there are those who lean to the Left who have served and are currently serving. Thanks again for sharing. I hope others will look at both sites.
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