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Responses: 4
SPC Lyle Montgomery
The problem with these liberal students is that they are a bunch of spineless pussy's. They have no idea of the sacrifices that their forefathers suffered to get them the right to protest, with guns. If we got into another war would these snowflake pussy's have enough guts to join the fight? I doubt it. When I was 18 The country saw fit to send me to a foreign land with a gun to kill the enemy. I wasn't crazy about it but I did it, while a bunch of cowardly students protested. Thank God for the people who answered the call and didn't piss and moan about it.
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Sgt Kerry Thurlow too many of these blowhards think they’ve cornered the market on what it means to be an American
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
2 y
You seem to be whining a lot. Did one of these snowflakes kick your butt.
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
2 y
SPC Lyle Montgomery - and SFC (Join to see) especially: please note Kelly, that no one voted you down for your opinion that you're entitled to. That said, I agree with Lyle, EXCEPT for his vulgar terms; but kids today ARE so much more likely to be "wimpish," due to, I think, their adult role models (teachers, parents, NEWS MEDIA, et al).
Given that the article highlights Seattle students, it's pretty much a sure bet that they are indeed inclined to be, "liberal." The whole state for the most part is; at least politically.
Now, I'll take some HUGE exception to your comment about Vietnam, and "those students who protested," being the "smart ones." As I recollect, most of them were filty hippy, dope smoking draft dodgers and college deferred rich kids for the most part. The college deferrments - I have no real problem with, but when deferred for college, while your fellow same age group volunteers or gets drafted, your lack of support for them stinks. Keep in mind, demonstrations are one thing - and is a RIGHT under our Constitution; but spitting on returning GI's, throwing bags of shit at them, calling them baby killers, etc ... no - NO RIGHT to do any of that! I do believe that's who SPC Lyle Montgomery (also) had in mind.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
SSG Bill McCoy - It’s difficult to believe that someone could be a veteran and not understand Vietnam was truly a war between Communism and Democracy. Our media never taught them (our younger folk) Hồ Chí Minh was trained in Marxism for 30 years before he went back to Vietnam and took over, and further he was such a true believer that he would use any tactic to win for Marxism: killing, rape, torture, etc. God help us the education that they are giving our younger folk these days. We are in trouble when much of our population doesn’t know our Country’s honest history. Yes we did so bad things, but we did many more good things. We’re still the best Country to live in.
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SGT Unit Supply Specialist
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
..."Walter said these are some of the questions that constantly run through her mind while at school: "Is that person going to shoot me today? Am I OK to sit in this auditorium? Will there be a bullet that pierces my neck? Am I safe? If not, do I know where to hide? Do I know how to play dead? Will I be able to smear my classmate's blood on myself to make myself look dead?”

Students are also demanding for more mental health professionals, one for every 200 students across all Seattle Public Schools. They want the professionals to also reflect the student body in terms of race, gender, and sexuality.

"How are we as students suppose to deal with the nation's shortcomings alone? " Walter asked. "This is a time in our lives where we are supposed to feel safe. It already feels unsafe because of the pandemic. This is no exception."...
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
2 y
Saying that kids are traumatized by the events like school shootings and worried about being shot has SOME validity. OVerall however, kids today are not being taught any skills to overcome worrying about things beyound their control - face it, many have been "raised" by computer games, fantasy TV and movies and parents too busy to guide them with advice and coping mechanisms for life's rough times.
That's not to say school violence (guns or otherwise) isn't a concern, but it seems that kids have no role models that help them COPE with fears of any kind. Hell, even the colleges now have "safe spaces," so what's that say about our society? Even the USAF now has "safe spaces," for Pete's sake!
China and Russia ... not to mention our allies, have to be laughing at us, or shaking their heads with dismay. We are a CODDLED nation today. The violence we see, not just in schools, but violence overall has increased and is rooted in a society unable to cope with otherwise normal life issues. (No shootings are not "normal," but is part of what people have to cope with. Please, don't say it's a "new normal!")
WHY do we have so much violence? Well, take many Democrat run cities ... compare them to other similarly sized cities without the progressive attitude of Dems. Civil disorder is common because we have police with their hands tied and being defunded; we have DA's who refuse to sentence assorted categories of people to appropriately stiff prison terms - a 27 y/o transgender who molested a 10 y/o girl in a Denny's women's room comes to mind - TWO years in JUVENILLE detention with FEMALES, comes to mind. Then we have DA's insisting they should mandate racial "equity" and refuse to sentence murderers, or even prosecute them FOR murder! The fabric of our society is breaking.
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SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
This was probably a GSA activity. GSA to me means Goat Smelling Behind!
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