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Responses: 13
LTC Self Employed
Helped by President Biden restricting oil production in the USA. Sure the American oil production is up but it's been hampered by restricting permits, cutting back on leases against federal law and not approving Pipelines.

President Biden likes to subsidize the Cuban protected Maduro government of Venezuela.

CPT Jack Durish LTC David Brown
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LTC David Brown
They got a lot from Iran.
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CPT Jack Durish
Be prepared, that's the Boy Scouts marching song,
Be prepared for RP members who argue strong,
For Hamas right to kill the Jews
Thousands, not just a few.
Yes, they'll be here. Just wait.
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
8 mo
LTC Joe Anderson Agreed and that is why I blocked most of them and by blocking them it was like killing mosquitoes.......no more aggravating pests to contend with.
LTC Joe Anderson
LTC Joe Anderson
8 mo
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D We agree. With one exception. I don't block anybody on here (I did once out of spite. But about a year and a half ago I unblocked him.). Not because I'm this great person, noble, teflon, or anything like that... But, because, I believe if I'm going to put my opinion out there, then I need to be able to take criticism as well, and allow people to chime in with their opinions. I allow post from anyone, even if they are so full of____, it bleeds out their ears. I need to be bigger than them and let them rant. That's why I like taunting them with logic, abrasiveness, or just plain talking down to them; when they're so ignorant they don't even see it. I know, my retaliation is childish and stooping. But, I also get enjoyment out of it. It's my Petty side fulfilling its nature. But, nothing wrong with blocking, either. NOTHING AT ALL (Unless you're private Sellnow; who chimes in with an insult, curses, and comments like; Keep sucking Present Trumps..., and then blocks before one can respond. That's/HE'S a COWARD!!!!!!!! Half the time the person didn't even vote for Trump or support him. They just can see he did some good. As well as repeatedly shoot himself in the foot.). I have no respect for some who can dish something out. But not take anything in return. It's basically the equivalent to an online sucker punch. But, again, blocking ignorant fools, so they don't bother you is perfectly okay. Just not my style. I get some enjoyment by screwing with their feeble little minds. And again, yes, it's Petty of me.
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
8 mo
LTC Joe Anderson Blocking is purely judgemental and, just as you defined, toward the two factions within RP. The first express their opinions, many of which are either objective or subjective, but reflect view points of the numerous subjects presented and NONE of those people do I block. The second faction are the obnoxious extremists on RP who are non-objective, belligerent, verbally abusive, demeaning to many of our members, self-centered, nasty and confrontational for the sake of argument and a passion for hate. Those are the people I do not care to engage in a dialog with, so I block them for their mental constitution and what they write and not for the sake of limiting their ability to spew the garbage they love to cast upon other people. My block of those individuals does not restrict interaction with anyone else on RP. It only restricts dialog between the two of us, and it is my prerogative to restrict it since it does not have an effect on anyone else.
LTC Joe Anderson
LTC Joe Anderson
8 mo
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D - Yes I know the people you're talking about. I don't blame you for blocking them. I decided not to block anybody as a personal choice. In fact I go out of my way to re-engage those idiots. The funny thing is, after a bit, I'd say, close to half of them actually block me. Probably because, I keep coming back at them, without having to cuss or stoop to their type of rudeness. Talking logically, posting facts, talking down them, and make them feel stupid with regular dialogue. Seems to make them melt down. I guess it's because I'm not giving them the reaction they want, while being passively rude, abrasive, crass... But, not vulgar. One said/Posted that, "I was abrasive, caustic and crass." Yes, I know it's spelled wrong in my header. I cut, pasted, and used his word as part of my warning to other rude Radical RP'ers. You have a GREAT evening and week!!
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