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Responses: 6
Lt Col Charlie Brown
When you tell people they are victims and that the system is against them, they believe it. When you promote them based on something other than performance, the message is "we have to help you because you can't do it on your own"
My friend's son is both black and deaf...his parents taught him he could do anything he wanted. He marched in the school band, he is now a dentist...all without someone saying...hey, you are in need of our help because...
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MSgt Dale Johnson
Edited 2 y ago
I believe it is, when people are told over and over that they have been held back many who do not have confidence will loose their drive to do better. Very few will take it as a challenge and rise up to meet or exceed it.
On the other hand if you impart to someone that they have the ability to accomplish it then you are giving them the chance at the "Self Fulfilling Prophecy."

Years ago there was a Teacher (I think 60 Minutes did an article about it) that did an experiment where he told kids with Blue Eyes that their eye color meant they were smarter than all the other kids. For several days this went on and sure enough the kids with Blue eyes started started acting Clickish and discriminated against all the other kids. She then went back and told the kids that he had been mistaken and actually it was Brown Eyed kids that were smarter. The Tables were turned and suddenly the clicks went the other way, the Blue eyed kids started having issues, etc. The Brown eyed kids started doing much better, their attitudes changed everything flip flopped.
If I can find it I will link to it below.

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Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
In my view, yes... The left's intent based on what the local talk is all about is that they want the Citizenry to obey them and them alone... Perhaps I am stretching things a bit, but that is how I see it based on the left's policies from the top down!!! Socialism does not work! It has failed everywhere it has been implemented... And our Constitution is being decimated piece by piece...
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
2 y
Yes, that (what you've said) and the motive to garner more loyalties - meaning VOTES which I see as the left's actual intent. Of course, it's morphed into a desire for Socialism by the left as it gets them MORE CONTROL.
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