Posted on Aug 11, 2021
Army to Court-Martial 82nd Airborne Paratrooper Involved in Deadly Syrian Firefight Last Year
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
SOOOO when the bullets start flying me hollering BRING IT MOTHER TRUCKER isn't allowed it...If he violated the ROE's for the patrol then maybe but $#!+ you cannot predict when you are going to get into the crap when on patrol. Seriously this kind of witch hunt is going to make people think twice and that little hesitation will get them killed.
SFC Eric Harmon
That is the worst part, the induced hesitation. When it is the quick and the dead you want to be on the right side.
If I'm reading the story correctly, he is being court-martialed for taunting them. Apparently he hurt their feelings before they shot them.
CPT Lawrence Cable
1LT William Clardy - Unfortunately, that is about as coherent as you can make of the situation there and they wonder why soldiers have trouble with the ROE.
1LT William Clardy
Just gonna add, that's at least 12 sentences/paragraphs shorter than the RoE I remember from going doing ambush patrols on the DMZ way back when.
CPT Lawrence Cable
1LT William Clardy - But we were shooting at the Syrians at the same time as we were shooting at ISIS, plus antagonizing the Russians, and occasionally our NATO "Ally" Turkey.
Prosecutors claim he put the platoon at risk by going where they shouldn't have been!?!?!
WTF does that mean - what was the ROE and who signed off on the patrol?
ROE for anti-ISIS patrols:
Do not patrol anywhere where there might be a problem however you wont know where that is until there's a problem and that will be where you should not go. And if you think there's going to be a problem what ever you do don't mouth off and tell the guys wanting to shoot you to not shoot at you - this applies to Russian troops, Syrian regime forces, Turkish troops, various militias and especially ISIS.
WTF does that mean - what was the ROE and who signed off on the patrol?
ROE for anti-ISIS patrols:
Do not patrol anywhere where there might be a problem however you wont know where that is until there's a problem and that will be where you should not go. And if you think there's going to be a problem what ever you do don't mouth off and tell the guys wanting to shoot you to not shoot at you - this applies to Russian troops, Syrian regime forces, Turkish troops, various militias and especially ISIS.
1LT William Clardy
Perhaps the standing orders were along the lines of "Find and kill ISIS, but don't pick fights with folks who are also shooting at ISIS," SPC David S..
I know that's too simple and would no doubt be wrapped in 14 layers of purple legalese spread across 3 FRAGOs, but a grunt can hope, can't he?
I know that's too simple and would no doubt be wrapped in 14 layers of purple legalese spread across 3 FRAGOs, but a grunt can hope, can't he?
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