Posted on Feb 16, 2016
Ben Carson: Muslims Only Embrace American Democracy 'If They're Schizophrenic'
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 4
I can't understand why anyone would fault Dr. Carson for stating the obvious. It seems to be a perfectly reasonable conclusion. America is based on the presumption that people are inherently good, that they'll choose to do the "right" thing. Punishment is reserved for those who fail. How else can anyone justify "liberty". Would you give evil people to make moral choices? Of course not. Therein lies the basic premise of Islam, that people are inherently evil and can be expected to chose to do the wrong thing. That is why liberty is denied. Religious leaders make choices and punishment is reserved for those who fail to submit. For example, consider the difference in the place of women between the two cultures. American women are free. Muslim women must be covered up and restricted so that they don't appeal to the evil nature of men. Given the sight of a woman's naked arm or let, men lose control. It's not the man's fault. They're evil. I'd go simply insane trying to reconcile these two competing ideas, wouldn't you?
CPT Jack Durish
SGT (Join to see) - I think I get your point and it may seem like he is giving them an excuse, but to me it sounds more like he's focusing on the impossibility to serve two contradictory masters.
CPT Jack Durish
SGT (Join to see) - Do they? I've watched videos wherein congregations of Muslim men laugh at the statements of their apologists. For example, that American Muslims are fully integrated into American culture and don't believe in honor killings, child brides, free practice of pedophilia, subjugation of women. Are they "managing" or are they dissembling?
SGT (Join to see)
In other words, they are laughing because they know those six things are still being practiced by American Muslims? So, a Muslim is a Muslim is a Muslim, correct? R, am I not following?
Anyone care to explain how you can be sharia adherent and pro democracy or pro women's rights? A lot of us here have done multiple tours in the Middle East and we all know full well the way they treat their women and how that would go over in America. It shouldn't be taboo to just say the values are opposed.
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