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Responses: 5
SPC Kevin Ford
They won't use tactical nukes. People have forgotten how this all works in the 30 years since the end of the cold war. Those of us at Pepperidge Farm remember. Here's the thing, the people in Russia want to live as much as we do. MAD is still a thing, it still works, just like it always worked.

I don't know if people have forgotten and gotten soft or what. If we cave to nuclear terrorism it will become a much larger problem than it is now.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
2 y
SGT (Join to see) - can Trump start a nuclear war now that he is out of office? I'm more concerned with those that can.
SGT Retired
SGT (Join to see)
2 y
Were you concerned when he was in office? If not, why does the mention of the use of nukes from one administration bother you, but not from another?

Of all the problems and worries in the world, nuclear war is about on the bottom of the list. Because despite all of our collective differences in the world, humans ultimately share the desire to live. No amount of saber rattling from either side will change that.

Russia is realizing now what we realized a while ago. Even the use of smaller, tactical nuclear weapons is pointless, because their use would inevitably escalate into the use of large strategic nuclear weapons.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
2 y
The question is hypothetical. Its what if Russia nukes Ukraine. What's the plan.
Russia not using nukes is not part of the war game exercise.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
2 y
SPC David S. We will have to take Putin out of power by any means necessary, full stop. We've kept that Pandora's box closed since we opened it in WWII. We cannot allow it to be opened again. If he uses one, he will use two, or someone else will see him do it and use one. Anyone, anywhere uses a nuke, we have to take them out of power.
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Maj John Bell
I suspect that the use of tactical nukes will create an unmanageable domestic unrest problem within Russia. The losses in Ukraine, coupled with unpopular mobilizations bring the Russian population near the boiling point. I strongly suspect that even now the Russian generals are feeling each other out about removing Putin.

I don't have access to the intel and force distribution of Russian or NATO forces within striking distance. Because of that, I'd probably make the situation worse if I were the President.

With the little I do know/believe, I'd have all NATO forces within striking distance planning for a decisive simultaneous conventional blow on as many critical logistical targets within Ukraine (disputed territory included) as possible. Minutes after the attack was complete, I'd be on the red phone with Putin and ask him how he wants this to go. No more nukes, no more NATO strikes. I'd also establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine that extends into Russia far enough to make air to ground missiles meaningless.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
2 y
There seems to be a big disconnect with the foreign policy of European countries, our on foreign policy and Ukraine's request to join NATO. I think a worse case situation is Putin uses nukes and Ukraine is not a member of NATO. Then the water gets very muddy.

Hopefully a very well coordinated conventional strike by NATO would result in Putin's undoing. However that only kicks the can down the road as a lot would then be determined by whoever takes control in Russia.

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SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
Edited 5 mo ago
1. Ukraine will not get NATO membership in the next 2 decades.

2. The use of Tactical Nukes would immediately isolate Russia from the rest of the world and cause a revolution in his own military and citizens.

3. My worry is that as memories fade MAD's usefulness also fades and a reminder of the power of a nuke may need to be arranged for the world to refresh their memories via a public test.
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