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Responses: 6
LTC Kevin B.
When someone in a key leadership position openly tries to undermine policies being implemented and enforced by their higher command, that's not freedom of speech. That's exhibiting very poor leadership and it's indicative of someone who needs to leave the service.
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
3 y
I could not agree more.
LTC Lance Headrick
LTC Lance Headrick
3 y
I doubt you could make a case that his statement was undermining policies. He has some good points....the President decided the other way....the only problem I see is "It is time to resign." That is posturing and BS...that if any if anything should be addressed. ...but of course he is already retiring.
SMSgt Anil Heendeniya
SMSgt Anil Heendeniya
3 y
Absolutely, Colonel Broom!
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LTC Trent Klug
Funny. The statement he made really is innocuous. His mistake was thinking he could make it to the SMA and actually just get a response back. The SMA showed him whose boss though by snitching him off to the LTC's boss. A real trust building exercise there. Were I at a "ask the leaders" eating, I sure as hell would keep my mouth shut around that guy.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
3 y
Meeting not eating.
SSG(P) Photographer/Owner
SSG(P) (Join to see)
3 y
LTC Trent Klug as I said sir. Thought police. He didn't like what the LTC said and he got him in trouble.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
3 y
SSG(P) (Join to see) Yep, I served under a CSM like thar when I was enlisted. Once we found out the type of guy he was our meeting with him lasted mere minutes. No one would speak when asked. We trusted him as far as we could've thrown the Pentagon.
LTC Lance Headrick
LTC Lance Headrick
3 y
I think Grinston was clapping back. So what, Attaway is a big boy. He made the comment after he was in the que for retirement.

The question is whether it was professional or not.....I think he should have left off the "time to resign" and I would be fine with the comment...but being "short" really takes away your relevance/bold bravery in making such a statement.
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The order was given and there is no compelling case that it is not a lawful order. Thus his comment defies the commander’s intent publicly. This isn’t a freedom of speech issue.
LTC Lance Headrick
LTC Lance Headrick
3 y
SFC Casey O'Mally I think I understood that...nice job restating.

I still don't think I agree. You give up a lot of rights going in. You can't say just whatever you want....so how would this be a first Amendment problem.

I can swear and cuss, but if a soldier did MCM says it is 6 months.

A civilian can talk shit about the President and so on publicly and Soldiers are not supposed to by MCM.

Your right to privacy, 4th Amendment, is really screwed. You car can be search with no probable cause.

On and on.

The 1st Amendment problem you point to is not clear.

He was talking to SMA from an account that Identified him as Army.....if they read him charges (that would not stick in my opinion). They are within their rights to tell him not to talk about it anymore, under the premise that it would prejudice a future trial. They did it with Scheller and that was not challenged...he just ignored it and will get more charges.....but they did not challenge the Govt on whether they could "gag him".

The Army will not push this. Even though MCM says Attaway could go to jail, I don't believe a trial by his peers would send him.

Thanks man, I like non hostile discussions...and I think I am not good enough with the written stuff to make my point well.
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3 y
PO3 Edward Riddle I’ve been a soldier for a quarter century. I’m a professional. It’s a lawful order, no one has demonstrated it’s not, so I follow it. Sorry if I don’t defer to your 3 years of experience half a century ago
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3 y
LTC Lance Headrick I personally don’t think he should face anything more than a verbal counseling. It really just strikes me as an unprofessional statement and as always in the military, you have to consider not just what you are saying, but the context in which you are saying and to whom it’s being said. In my mind, him saying “and yet we’re discharging soldiers for refusing” (paraphrase) IS a direct criticism of policy/commander’s intent.

Social media is kind of a mess. I don’t have much of a presence but none of that which I do have identifies what I do for a living. I’m still cautious about what I say and I more or less will run out of a room to avoid political discussions with all but a very few peers and exactly zero subordinates. Maybe it’s not the only way to do it but it’s kept me out of trouble for a long time haha
LTC Lance Headrick
LTC Lance Headrick
3 y
SFC Casey O'Mally I think we agree, sorry I am not more eloquent. Thank for the polite confab...don't find it all the time here.

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