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Responses: 7
LTC Yinon Weiss
Edited >1 y ago
Apparently it was easier for him to put out some sound bites about quantum computing than to actually answer the question about when Canada would tackle ISIS, which was the actual question the reporter asked.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
LTC Yinon Weiss - Major; According to the media, the Canadian government has been involved in the fight against Daesh as long as the US government has been. The Canadian government was also involved in the fight against the Taliban/al-Qa'eda as long as the US government was.

Of course the Canadian government did NOT participate in the invasion and conquest of Iraq which is still viewed by 100% of all "Real True Patriotic American Patriots" as 100% necessary and 100% successful, and 100% a "Good Think Magnificently Carried Out By The Best War President The US Has Ever Had".

On the other hand, it certainly appears that the efforts of the Canadian military against the Taliban/al-Qa'edq and Daesh have stretched it to its limits and there might be some reduction in efforts to go along with the withdrawal of the RCAF for reasons yet unknown [HINT:- What purpose is served by having Ground Attack aircraft in theatre when the owners of the aircraft have dropped their entire store of bombs and the makers of the bombs aren't in a position to sell them any more and the people who want them to be dropping the bombs where they tell them to aren't willing to pay for the bombs?]

I'd certainly like to see BOTH Canada and America doing more, but there simply isn't enough popular support for the fight against Daesh and its ilk to induce EITHER government to actually take it seriously enough to put out a full-scale effort.

[Currently (well relatively recently) the US has devoted 6.2% of its GDP to its military. (The 6.2% is divided with 3.7% being "regular" military spending and 2.5% being "war" spending.) Prior to the Vietnam War that was 9.3%. During WWII it was 37.8% 2.5% of GDP being spent as "war spending" hardly counts as a SERIOUS commitment and doesn't affect the vast majority of the American people at all. Proportionately to population, the Canadian spending is roughly equivalent.]

PS - From August of 1914 to April of 1917 and from September of 1939 to November of 1941, the Canadian people (amongst others) were asking when America would tackle the Germans. Or have you forgotten those minor points?
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
COL Ted Mc - Take a deep breath (and a pint of some good liquor). LTC Yinon Weiss didn't defend the invasion of Iraq. He merely pointed out that the PM was not responsive to the question asked.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull shit.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - Captain; The first question that the reporter asked concerned quantum computing - Mr. Trudeau answered that question. The second question that the reporter asked was about Canada's role in helping to eradicate Daesh - Mr. Trudeau answered that question after he had answered the first one.

"We are already doing that and we aren't going to tell the world what are specific plans and commitments are because we can't see any reason why we should let Daesh know what we are going to do and thereby increase Canadian casualties. Do YOU think that we should be letting the enemy in on all of our plans and commitments BEFORE they happen so that the enemy can kill and injure MORE Canadian soldiers?" simply isn't as much "fun" as reporting on Mr. Trudeau's ability to answer a question that no one thought that he could answer.

MCPO Roger Collins - Ahh, but in this case Mr. Trudeau "baffled them with brilliance" AND "baffled them with brilliance". What would you expect President Bush or President Obama to say if they were asked "When is the US going to do something about Daesh and what is it going to do BE SPECIFIC?"?
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SPC David S.
I would like to hear our candidates explain how a normal computer works needless quantom computers

Cruz - Computers are an instrument of the devil filled with porn replacing family values with social media.
Trump - Computers - I love'em. I have them in all my buildings. When I'm president computers are going to be great again.
Clinton - I know they send emails and that you can pretty much put them anywhere.
Kasich - Good luck America
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
SPC David S. - Spec; You forgot Sen. Sanders (yes, I know that it's easy to do).

Sanders - Everyone will have a free computer paid for by the government and no one's computer will be allowed to be any better than anyone else's computer.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
Oh my. That wasn't intentional - I guess I wasn't feeling the Bern. Good catch
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Sgt Nick Marshall
Please Canada can we send back Cruz and have Trudeau run for our President? He knows computer science, is bi-lingual, knows the Queen and is articulate.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
Wouldn't that be nice Sgt Nick Marshall. PM Trudeau is a Pretty Sharp Dude and we got the Moron from Alberta!
CPT Battalion S 1 Oic
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
All essential qualities for the chief of our Executive Branch.
CPT Battalion S 1 Oic
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
CPT (Join to see) - And of course, bilingual and articulate are two qualities senator Cruz has in spades. Or should I say, Espadas?
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
Sgt Nick Marshall - Sergeant; As near as I can understand it, the "Canadian Consensus" on that point is "You wanted him, you keep him.".

This, of course, is backed by the perennial "Canadian Threat" of "And if you don't do what we want, we'll keep on sending you 'William Shatners' and 'Justin Beabers'!".
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