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Responses: 5
Susan Foster
They are over 2400 miles away and walking. Let's everyone just calm down. All this is just fear mongering and they are breaking none of our laws right now.
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MSgt Solutions Architect/Software Developer/Blockchain Hobbyist
Critical thinking is not a quality you possess
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
>1 y
Actually this does not require critical thinking. All it requires is to either clean out your ears or hearing aid, or turning up its volume so that you can hear the migrants statements and not the ones fed to us by too many in the media that are promoting their own agenda.
There are a number of those that have had interviews aired in the US and in other countries that are admitted criminals both in the US and in their country of origin that have been previously deported from the US. There are also a significant number of others that have been interviewed that are not necessarily criminals but have admitted to have been previously deported from the US and their waiting period is not yet over (waiting periods are 5, 10, and 20 years). These individuals have openly admitted that they are trying to violate or circumvent US law.
And if you think that either myself or my wife are mistaken in what we heard and understood them to say, then you are sadly incorrect. My wife was born, raised and educated in Panama, specifically Alanje in the Chiriquí Province. We know and understand the situation in Central America quite well and still have family there (quite a few as a matter of fact). Just because I look like and am a gringo does not mean that I do not understand what is going on.
Susan Foster
Susan Foster
>1 y
You are getting interviews from a few, and in fact the US military has identified about 120 or so who are admitted criminals (not necessarily violent). And they've said they believe few will make it 2400 more miles, because most are just poor people with no visible means of support. I couldn't walk that far. I promise you this will die down after tuesday and it won't be such a crisis.
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SPC Casey Ashfield
It would be fair to say they are no longer a caravan or migrants.
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