Posted on May 22, 2018
CCRKBA to Antis: ‘When Will You Blame the Murderers?’ - Liberty Park Press
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
SGT (Join to see) This is really a simple issue. It boils down to tyranny. If they succeed in disarming legal gun owners, and by extension the majority of the U.S. Gun owners, then they can attack other freedoms. Once the American People have the right to defend themselves stripped away, they can go to work on the other things they don't like. Offensive things like free speech and protest, because if you don't agree with me, you are wrong and must shut the fuck up. Maybe freedom of religion because it is my god or no god. Maybe the right to a speedy trial because the easiest way to get a confession is just to lock the bastards up and throw away the key until they confess. Before that we have to take away that right to protection against searches and seizures, we know you have contraband, we are going to find it even without cause to search. That is why even those who don't like guns, won't own guns, and have no desire to ever fire one should be standing up for the right to own them. Once you are willing to sacrifice your rights and the rights of others, you are willing to sacrifice all of our rights as free people.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
SGT (Join to see) - Thank you. Funny thing is, I never thought of myself as a gun rights activist. I have always enjoyed shooting, and I do find it cathartic. Lately I am finding that it is not enough to simply enjoy the activity and exercise the Second Amendment rights. I find that one has to be boisterous about it because there are people who genuinely want to see it go away. The more I thought about and the more I research it, the more I think (just one man's opinion) that it is a dangerous slope to the trampling of our Constitution.
SGT (Join to see)
PO3 Steven Sherrill If you want to know what's going to happen next, find a copy of Saul Alinsky's book on converting America to a socialist nation. The libercrats are following it page for page.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
SGT (Join to see) - I thought that someone was reading 1984, and watching Idiocracy at the same time, then using the amalgamation as a diagram for governing.
Everything else in life it is the persons fault. The car did not kill, the driver did. If someone wants to kill, they will. Cars, bombs, knives, poison, the list goes on.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
CW5 Jack Cardwell Except the flatware. It is totally the flatware's fault that I am a fat guy. It is not my poor eating habits at all.
SGT (Join to see)
PO3 Steven Sherrill - The answer to that problem is SPORKS. The only thing you can pick up with one is a lettuce leaf.
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