Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
CW5 Jack Cardwell no more AR's for civilians to be able to buy from Colt, outside of used ones.
CW5 Jack Cardwell
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth not true they stopped manufacture of ARs for civilian sale, they are still still what they have in inventory. Colt AR sales gave been in a slump due to competition from other makers.
CW5 Jack Cardwell - Purely from a business standpoint I can see why "COLT" might want to curtail the distribution of AR-15's to the public...but that said, if there are other manufacturers who make this weapon or one similar that is designed for personal use, then, why not... However, with all that said, the name of the game by the Liberals is to take your weapons away from you, the citizenry...they really don't care about the black market availability of these weapons to criminals... They want to CONTROL THE PEOPLE!!! Wake up Liberals, you will be the first to be owned...with your freedoms sanctimoniously removed one by one!
I don't have any inside-scoop on Colt's decision to discontinue production of the AR-15, and I don't know how their quality and price-point stack-up against their competition because I am NOT paid to shoot guns all day and make cool videos, so I am going to accept their announcement that it was a business-decision at face-value. We see this all the time in the automotive market-place, as auto-makers discontinue products that aren't selling well to focus on products that ARE hot-sellers. GM introduced their Saturn line of cars several years ago, but its run was short-lived because it never really caught on, not that it was a "bad" car, but it didn't become a hot-seller.
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