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Responses: 3
CPT Jack Durish
I'm almost at the point where I want President Trump to call the whole thing off. Just as President Ford pardoned Nixon to save the public from the strain of prosecuting a former President, we need to let this go. Yes, Hillary deserves to be punished but I wonder if there is any greater punishment than first "cheating" her of her chance to be President and then ignoring her? Of course, it would only work if the media ignored her (which you just know isn't going to happen, is it?)
Sgt Wayne Wood
Sgt Wayne Wood
>1 y
The Hildebeast would stomp on (republican) puppies to stay in the public eye... & the media would say they were right-wing extremist puppies.
LTC Orlando Illi
LTC Orlando Illi
>1 y
She deserves no pardon. She deserves a public trial
1SG Michael Bonnett
1SG Michael Bonnett
>1 y
She broke the law knowing she was above the law. If this country is not going to go the drain accountability and the rule of law needs to apply. I am a registered Democrat but my party does not rate above my responsibility as an American and the rule of law.

She needs to have a fair trial, and if found guilty go to prison. The same should apply to Lynch and Comey....
LTC Orlando Illi
LTC Orlando Illi
>1 y
1SG Michael Bonnett - she feels laws are for Peasants. She deserves nothing but contempt; the same contempt she feels for anyone with the impudence to disagree with her. She did not get her Coronation as Czarina Hillary the First and the country is better for it.
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1SG Infantryman
Charge all involved with treason and hang them until dead. That will teach those dealing in espionage. Do it Now!
Sgt Wayne Wood
Sgt Wayne Wood
7 y
Definition of pour encourager les autres

:in order to encourage the others —said ironically of an action (such as an execution) carried out as a warning to others
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CWO3 Us Marine
I wish they'd all just shake hands after reading their Oaths again and stop this opposition game. Get back to business by actually negotiating and legislating again. This is playing out like a reality TV show and nothing is getting done. The Nation deserves better.
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