Posted on Sep 28, 2017
Cyber Security Advice for Professionals and Businesses
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
SSG Derek Scheller First before even starting the video, kudos to you for putting yourself out there like this. I sometimes have to do webinars, and I cannot STAND the way my voice sounds in them, so well done. It is a catch 22 for all parties. Companies want to have a person to deal with the issue, but they don't want to pay the salary for a person who has the skill. They want to pay entry level salaries to experienced workers. For the workers, they want a salary they feel is commiserate to their skill, and often unwilling to take less. Cyber Security is not something that is going to go away as long as technology drives society. Hackers and those who would breach a network don't care about either. They just want to implement their breach for their purposes. Victims and perpetrators are just as varied. The breaches are also wide in scale, and cost. I personally am just in the beginning stages of adding Cyber Security to my skill set. Thanks for the insight.
I would agree with James on his feedback. The topic itself is not important as much as a good script and presentation. In the video log format, you will want to have good lighting. I've watched some bloggers that does it on their couch as long as the background isn't distracting and the lighting is good. I know you're confident in your knowledge of what you speak to otherwise you wouldn't be building your own company. Start with short topical items, splice in a short video or some news headlines, speak to it, make your recommendations, express your opinion. There are some green screen products meant to make home video production fun and easy that I've seen and have been meaning to check out that might help with your backdrop and inserting yourself into different environments even with your limited space. Maybe you can do videos on topical Q&A sessions with some people which can be interactive and dynamic.
SSG Derek Scheller
Yeah this was my first one and I had some things I really wanted to get off my chest. I do plan on utilizing better programs and setting up something as a background within the next 1 or 2 videos. Also, I am hoping that they will be shorter as I don't like to drone on and on. I feel once I can get a decent following then I will be able to do a live q&a as I think that would have more benefits as well.
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