Posted on May 5, 2016
Deadlines loom for answers in Clinton email probe as U.S. judge sets discovery
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 3
Clinton confirmed that the FBI has never interviewed her on the email investigation. From a 11 year police officer and 7 year MP Investigator I have only one question. When do you question the main suspect in your case? The FBI is being a bunch of lackeys. At what point do the American people demand a real investigation?
Capt Walter Miller
I heard they always interview the target last. Get all the flunkies on the record first.
SGT William Howell
That would make sense. I am sure all the flunkies have already been coached on what to say by the Clinton get out of jail legal staff.
Capt Walter Miller If she is not indicted for the e-mail and Clinton Foundation issues, it will be a gross travesty of justice. If that happens, I hope there is an uprising by the FBI and the Intelligence community that rocks the Obama Administration to its core.
Capt Walter Miller
The coverage in the MSM is changing on this They will flip it on Madame Clinton - as they have been told to do - to where she is fully exposed as national security scofflaw and federal crimes perp.
That will put Sanders in the White House.
That will put Sanders in the White House.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
Capt Walter Miller - I don't think then Dems would nominate Sanders if Hillary dropped out. I think it more likely that Crazy Joe would be the nominee with fake-squaw Elizabeth Warren as his running mate.
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