Responses: 3
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Hard to Believe the Shit They Get By With on a Civilian Shipyard building Ships for the US Navy that had the Work been conducted on a Navy Shipyard with this kind of Neglect would get Everyone Fired.
most interesting ... I was Not aware of these problems and dangers... thanks for the share...
Shipyards are dangerous places. Ships are dangerous places. Expecting both to be accident free is unreasonable. I've worked at shipyards in New Orleans, Tampa, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Baltimore and Philadelphia. There are thousands of people working with HazMat and heavy machinery. Ships are not built in sterile laboratories during eight hour days. The vast majority of accidents are due to human error. The main reason Gov't ships cost so much is due to excessive financial and operational oversight by Washington. The article recommends more oversight beyond what already exists. Shipyards are not in the top 20 most dangerous places to work. Considering how dangerous the work is, shipyards are reasonably safe.
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