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Responses: 6
SSgt Richard Kensinger
The data presented in the article is precise. The main advantage of the scientific evidence is to reduce error and bias. And BTW even "healthy" folks evidence signs of comorbidity which may not be clinically relevant until death.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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I must respectively say in my opinion there wasn't much science dictated in this article.
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SFC Ralph E Kelley
One thing I've never said its the Death Counts were inflated.
Only observations I've made is the directives sops to 'protect' the public.
The mandated measures are grossly inadequate.
One thing that has fallen out of the media's expressions is the phrase, "flattening the curve".
We will all get it.
We will all spread it through its 96% surface contact contamination.
Medicine's and care will help, but not prevent all deaths.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
SFC Ralph E Kelley I think that's where we are at now. The flattening the curve was always about not overwhelming the local health care systems until we figured out better ways to treat it or get a vaccine.

It seems that the most dangerous time was right at the beginning where our treatments were ineffective and it was starting to overwhelm the healthcare systems of highly populated ports of entry. It's still dangerous but we are getting better at treating it, so we have that going for us. Even now, if we let it burn out of control we will be back to the overwhelming local health care systems and that will cause a spike in unneeded deaths.

We would be much, much better off if we had been better at slowing the spread at the beginning which would have made it so the geometric progression of the spread was in an "earlier" state and saved a whole ton of lives, but we are where we are.
LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Eugene Chu
>1 y
Excellent point about how our current health care systems may not have capacity to handle resurgence of COVID

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SSG(P) Casualty Operations Ncoic
The CDC itself admitted that 94% of the touted 2,000+ C19 deaths were not C19 deaths, but were deaths where the deceased only tested positive for C19 and/or had comorbidities that led to their death.

This article argues that the inflated 2000+ death rate is accurate because C19 present in all situations make a death a C19 death. Total fear-porn.

SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Eugene Chu
>1 y
SSG(P) (Join to see) - COVID-19 is far more severe than flu and vaccines are still in the experimental stage. Shutdowns are about preventing already strained medical systems from being overwhelmed.
SSG(P) Casualty Operations Ncoic
SSG(P) (Join to see)
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LTC Eugene Chu - Hospitals are NOT strained.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid= [login to see] 947967&set=gm [login to see] 27016
SSG(P) Casualty Operations Ncoic
SSG(P) (Join to see)
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