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Responses: 3
LTC Eugene Chu
"Rep. Daniel Goldman said Devon Archer told lawmakers that Hunter Biden put his father on speakerphone with business partners about 20 times, BUT THEY DIDN'T TALK BUSINESS."

PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
1 y
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
1 y
Interestingly enough, Fox reported the same information found in the NBC report and yet they are both at almost the complete opposite side of the bias spectrum (if you're to believe that source). But whatever, only sources can be attacked, not the actual content. Find your echo chamber and ignore all the rest right?

Yes, Rep Goldman attempted to deny this is anything but President Biden being nice. So, seeing the magnitude of what's going on here can you really not ask the following questions or absolutely dismiss this testimony as exaggerated?

Did the President know these people prior to the calls? - I'm pretty sure he said he didn't even know Hunter's business associates. But regardless, let's analyze this. You have at least Hunter and Archer in the same room with President Biden. Archer has stated several business calls were conducted at this time, which leads me to ask the next few questions:

- Why would Hunter have such calls with his father in the room?
- Does anyone here have business calls with their parents in the room on a speakerphone with people your parents don't know (parents not involved in the business that is)?
- Does anyone really believe that putting the Vice-President, potential President or actual President on the line during a business call to say hi (to people he may not even know) does not cross any ethical lines? Even if he does know some or all of them, the perception of that client can EASILY be interpreted as "remember who my father is here."

We all know this stinks. Defending it will only invite more of it. The thing is, we're only looking at the surface right now. I'm not suggesting anything like impeachment hearings, but I absolutely think this needs to seriously be investigated. But noting the bias and incompetence I've observed from the DOJ, I'm not getting my hopes up.
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MSgt Dale Johnson
Biden has told so many lies, how do you know if anything he has said is true?
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