Posted on Apr 12, 2024
Does theistic evolution take away the need for God?
Posted 11 mo ago
Responses: 2
Capt Jeff S.
My problem with Creationism has to do with the belief that the Earth is 6,000 years old when everything we observe about the Universe, which science backs up, states it is much older. I don't see the problem as being with science or religion because they aren't mutually exclusive. Science confirms Biblical truths. My issue is with man's ability to understand and correctly interpret what was written in languages that are dead and not spoken today.
Do we really understand every nuance of the words they used? Are we sure a day was a day? Or could "a day" have multiple meanings? Could a day also mean a span of years that might be millenia? Consider the "Day of the Dinosaur"....
I believe God does things deliberately and gave us brains and the ability to observe nature and come to reasonable, rational conclusions. I believe God used evolution to accomplish His purpose because it's pretty absurd to believe that something came out of nothing (creation) and that we evolved randomly from primordial ooze. We share DNA with fruit flies and mushrooms... Something had to be guiding the process of evolution and God is in control. I think it's rather arrogant and presumptuous of people to believe that they know exactly what God did in creating the heavens and Earth and all the starry host. and when. We are but stardust. The very stuff we are made of could not have been created in 6,000 years because Stars had to be born and die in supernova explosions that created all the elements heavier than iron. And that process took longer than 6,000 years.
The James Webb telescope is providing evidence that the Universe is over 13 billion years old. When we look far out in the distance, we are literally looking back in time and can see the red-shift of the stars farthest away. The Earth is believed to be about 4.5 billion years old and man's time on Earth is but a blip in the big scheme of things. 0.0001111% of Earth's existence to be exact. How do we explain the many fossils and their evolution over time? People try to say that the Grand Canyon was cut in 6000 years and I simply don't believe it. Not when you have the KT Boundary showing up in different places all over the Earth in various rock outcroppings confirming a mass extinction in the fossil record 65 million years ago. It's a fool's errand to try to compare man's wisdom to that of an infinite, omnipotent, and eternal God.
Do we really understand every nuance of the words they used? Are we sure a day was a day? Or could "a day" have multiple meanings? Could a day also mean a span of years that might be millenia? Consider the "Day of the Dinosaur"....
I believe God does things deliberately and gave us brains and the ability to observe nature and come to reasonable, rational conclusions. I believe God used evolution to accomplish His purpose because it's pretty absurd to believe that something came out of nothing (creation) and that we evolved randomly from primordial ooze. We share DNA with fruit flies and mushrooms... Something had to be guiding the process of evolution and God is in control. I think it's rather arrogant and presumptuous of people to believe that they know exactly what God did in creating the heavens and Earth and all the starry host. and when. We are but stardust. The very stuff we are made of could not have been created in 6,000 years because Stars had to be born and die in supernova explosions that created all the elements heavier than iron. And that process took longer than 6,000 years.
The James Webb telescope is providing evidence that the Universe is over 13 billion years old. When we look far out in the distance, we are literally looking back in time and can see the red-shift of the stars farthest away. The Earth is believed to be about 4.5 billion years old and man's time on Earth is but a blip in the big scheme of things. 0.0001111% of Earth's existence to be exact. How do we explain the many fossils and their evolution over time? People try to say that the Grand Canyon was cut in 6000 years and I simply don't believe it. Not when you have the KT Boundary showing up in different places all over the Earth in various rock outcroppings confirming a mass extinction in the fossil record 65 million years ago. It's a fool's errand to try to compare man's wisdom to that of an infinite, omnipotent, and eternal God.
Cpl Samuel Pope Sr
See it this way. Toddlers Are Required by nature to put their shoes on the wrong foot. Life dictates it. It's like: "Hey, as long as they fit! Right?!"
Mankind, collectively, as a whole, is simply a toddler. Whatever they think, you gotta act like they are right.
God has fixed this thing up backwards. What man sees as the beginning, God has made the end. Have you noticed that man is always talking about the beginning and never about the end? God has hidden "His" end from man. Man does not believe his revealed end, as God has revealed his end. All of the arguments are about the validity of man's understanding of the beginning. Not one of them can say which beginning was ours or just someone else's end.
Only God's children know the facts surrounding their end.
Remember that Cain was afraid of 'someone finding' and Killing him. Who and How? And just who was it that Cain married? Who gave birth to his wife? These episodes are good to know if you learn the lessons they teach. Don't follow the ground hog. There are too many holes and tunnels to get lost in. Stick with Jesus and our future with Him.
Mankind, collectively, as a whole, is simply a toddler. Whatever they think, you gotta act like they are right.
God has fixed this thing up backwards. What man sees as the beginning, God has made the end. Have you noticed that man is always talking about the beginning and never about the end? God has hidden "His" end from man. Man does not believe his revealed end, as God has revealed his end. All of the arguments are about the validity of man's understanding of the beginning. Not one of them can say which beginning was ours or just someone else's end.
Only God's children know the facts surrounding their end.
Remember that Cain was afraid of 'someone finding' and Killing him. Who and How? And just who was it that Cain married? Who gave birth to his wife? These episodes are good to know if you learn the lessons they teach. Don't follow the ground hog. There are too many holes and tunnels to get lost in. Stick with Jesus and our future with Him.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
Cpl Samuel Pope Sr - Amen. Also, keep in mind that God lives in an eternal present--with neither beginning nor end . . .
Look at it this way. Toddlers Are Required by nature to put their shoes on the wrong foot. Life dictates it. It's like: "Hey, as long as they fit! Right?!"
Mankind, collectively, as a whole, is simply a toddler. Whatever they think, you gotta act like they are right.
God has fixed this thing up backwards. What man sees as the beginning, God has made the end. Have you noticed that man is always talking about the beginning and never about the end? God has hidden "His" end from man. Man does not believe his revealed end, as God has revealed his end. All of the arguments are about the validity of man's understanding of the beginning. Not one of them can say which beginning was ours or just someone else's end.
Only God's children know the facts surrounding their end.
Remember that Cain was afraid of 'someone finding' and Killing him. Who and How? And just who was it that Cain married? Who gave birth to his wife? These episodes are good to know if you learn the lessons they teach. Don't follow the ground hog. There are too many holes and tunnels to get lost in. Stick with Jesus and our future with Him.
Mankind, collectively, as a whole, is simply a toddler. Whatever they think, you gotta act like they are right.
God has fixed this thing up backwards. What man sees as the beginning, God has made the end. Have you noticed that man is always talking about the beginning and never about the end? God has hidden "His" end from man. Man does not believe his revealed end, as God has revealed his end. All of the arguments are about the validity of man's understanding of the beginning. Not one of them can say which beginning was ours or just someone else's end.
Only God's children know the facts surrounding their end.
Remember that Cain was afraid of 'someone finding' and Killing him. Who and How? And just who was it that Cain married? Who gave birth to his wife? These episodes are good to know if you learn the lessons they teach. Don't follow the ground hog. There are too many holes and tunnels to get lost in. Stick with Jesus and our future with Him.
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