Posted on Mar 29, 2022
'Don't Say Gay' bill becomes law in Florida. Bill opponents say it will harm LGBTQ children
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 5
No where in the bill does it restrict saying gay. The bill prevents instructing kids in Kindergarten to 3 grade about gender and sexual orientation . If you think 5 to 9 years old need to be instructed in this stuff you are weird. This is best left up to parents.
SFC Casey O'Mally
MAJ James Woods "parents be prepared to have the... Discussion earlier..."
I'm OK with that. Because it is PARENTS who should be having that discussion.
Oh, and the bill does NOT prevent teachers from answering that question - or students, which is your scenario.
I'm OK with that. Because it is PARENTS who should be having that discussion.
Oh, and the bill does NOT prevent teachers from answering that question - or students, which is your scenario.
LTC David Brown
Parents say school secretly met with daughter over being trans before her suicide attempt
CLAY COUNTY, Fla. (TND) — A lawsuit has been reportedly filed against a school district in Florida after parents say they discovered the school was "secretly meeting" with their 12-year-old daughter over her "gender identity. " According to WJAX News, the lawsuit claims the parents didn't learn about the alleged weekly meetings between the school's counselor and their daughter until after she tried to take her own life.
LTC David Brown
MAJ James Woods - so what is a lesbian, what Is oral sex bla bla. I actual had to study child development. If kids want more knowledge they will ask. I have raised or help raise 5 kids and have 5 grand kids. Typical liberal to slander people. Why is that? Usual because you have weak arguments and logic.
MAJ James Woods
LTC David Brown - First, I will reserve judgement when the lawsuit reveals all the facts. Privilege conversations between students and school counselors is a policy issue. The father claiming their Catholic faith was not an excuse for her to fear talking to her parents is crap because we both know Catholics can either be either liberal to such things or extremely conservative to the point of disowning their own kids. The poor child I'll assume chose a teacher or counselor over a priest. Lastly, the one thing I will say is extremely wrong is if the allegation that school staff started referring to her as a boy are true then that is inexcusable.
Yeah, as a father of three girls, my wife and I are very open and direct with every question they ask. So again, your Tommy-Bobby analogy was crap cause it was illogical. And your inability to defend it rationally or address my response rationally is what I typically expect from someone with no argument.
But hey, you raise children your way, I'll raise mine our way and with assistance of good teachers and guidance counselors.
Yeah, as a father of three girls, my wife and I are very open and direct with every question they ask. So again, your Tommy-Bobby analogy was crap cause it was illogical. And your inability to defend it rationally or address my response rationally is what I typically expect from someone with no argument.
But hey, you raise children your way, I'll raise mine our way and with assistance of good teachers and guidance counselors.
Not true. Not true at all.
It prevents CURRICULUM INSTRUCTION of LGTBQ in K-3. Not even at all primary levels. And After K-3, it simply requires that the curriculum be age appropriate.
Please quit spreading misinformation.
It prevents CURRICULUM INSTRUCTION of LGTBQ in K-3. Not even at all primary levels. And After K-3, it simply requires that the curriculum be age appropriate.
Please quit spreading misinformation.
MAJ James Woods
I'm all for parents educating their kids on the topic. Hopefully they don't ignore it when a kid asks "what is a..." cause its something heard/saw on tv, radio, computer, or in public.
The bill is actually titled the "Parental Rights in Education" bill, not the Don't Say Gay Bill and it does no such thing that is claimed by the bill detractors. Read the full bill then stop and think about the bill, you'll see it does not even come close to the blathering the opponents are claiming. Those hypothetical claims are nothing but a Left-wing Dog Whistle used to gin up support for the "anything goes" society the Left wants. Next time someone tells me their 5 year old Brother knew he was gay at that age, I'm gonna puke then throw the BS flag. Either that or the kid was exceptionally well above even most adults in critical thinking, even at that age. 5 year olds can barely decide what their favorite breakfast cereal is, let alone manage "sexual" feelings and that sort of instruction has no place in grades K-3.
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