Posted on Nov 2, 2020
Election 2020: Joe Biden suffers MORE senior moments at Michigan rally
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 8
In my view, David, Joe Biden will not be able to stand the stresses of a Presidency... He has medical issues that would constrain him for participating in much at all on the world stage and would leave every thing up to numerous subordinates (including Harris, to make decisions and that is not good at all...
LTC David Brown
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - Leslie Stahl was rude, stupid and insulting. Trump hammered Biden in the debates. Trump pulled back and let Biden hang himself. The debate may well have cost Biden the presidency because Biden lost Pennsylvania. Biden’s staff spent days trying to clean the mess up.
LTC David Brown
MSgt Steve Sweeney - At least we read something besides the propaganda. Funny how the election has gone from in the bag for Biden by 7 to 10% percent lead to very close in the polls. Gee who could have seen that coming? Well not the lame stream media!
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
LTC David Brown - Oh she was not. Good grief if he can't handle her, he can't handle dictators, world leaders, etc. Good grief, if you think she was hard wow.
LTC David Brown
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - I think Trump did handle her, walked out instead of being insulted then played the interview unedited. Of course the lap top can be verified and was.
I believe they picked joe and they picked his predecessor knowing he would never complete a full term. They picked the moderate to usher in the extreme.
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