Posted on Jan 22, 2023
Gas stoves became part of the culture war in less than a week. Here's why
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 3
No counter balance from NPR? Imagine that. California will ban any new construction for homes and businesses to have natural gas connections NEXT year! New York City , Seattle, Ithaca are going to ban new construction from having natural gas hook ups. The house we own has a gas stove, hot water heater and furnace. We wouldn’t have it any other way. Why? Because we live in an older neighborhood with tall trees and Augusta has a lot of tree lined streets all over the city . At least once or twice a year we get winter storms in the area that knock down a lot of trees that topple across power lines. The last occurrence was last month. We live at the end of an electric line serving a couple of hundred people and no critical facilities, we are a low priority for repair of power lines. We have had power out for nearly a week. We stay at home because we can cook, take warm showers and we have a wood fire place for warmth and a gas generator. We discuss getting a house generator hooked to natural gas. My small generator is configured to run on natural gas and I have an outdoor grill that runs on natural gas. The liberals are trying to take those choices from me! You are going to see continued pushes from liberals to take away options especially natural gas options.
Maj Robert Thornton
No surprise here LTC David Brown, npr is the apologist for the the left. There is no wonder why they didn’t say anything about the places that are in the process of banning natural gas usage. I wonder about the places that are planning to ban natural gas hookups, how will people be able to get their Generac generators hooked up? Especially in areas like California with their well known rolling blackouts.
And yes, my stove water heater and heaters are all natural gas. I don’t want it any other way,
And yes, my stove water heater and heaters are all natural gas. I don’t want it any other way,
I suspect inhaling any sort of burning anything isn"t healthy. In my lifetime the amount of consumer products we've gone whoops on is pretty long. Lead paint, lead in gas, CFCs, freon, etc, etc, etc. Probably cell phones next to the head isn't good.
Well, there is no way I'm getting out of this alive so I try not to worry too much about it.
Well, there is no way I'm getting out of this alive so I try not to worry too much about it.
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