British troops pass camera, guarded by German troops. CU Prisoners. shot of 'Horsa' glider, several MS & LS of same. CU RAF roundal, interior shots of Horsa. Jeep driven out of glider by Germans. CU Prisoner and North Nova Scotia Highlanders should flash. CU Lieutenants pip's. On anothers sleeve is 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion with pegasus and AIrborne Flash. CU Wounded prisoner with bandage over left eye. Various CU's. Someone holding pile of Soldier's Pay books. CU prisoners. Arm showing Corporals stripes and Combined Ops Badge. MS German soldier looking thru binoculars. CU Germans manning A.A. guns. Various shots of guns. Planes fly over (Marauders). Cloud of smoke from building. Light A.A. gun on train. Planes over. GS Focke-Wulfs 190 coming into camera and pass over camera. CU German on range finder. LS Plane falls in flames. CU house blown-up. Explosions on ground. A.A. guns fire. CU head on shot of F.W. 190 over camera. Various camera gun material and another shot of F.W. 190. Plane falls in flames. MS crashed plane on fire. Wrecked buildings and refugees. MS woman holding baby. German transport thru town. Tanks and transport along road - camouflaged with bushes etc. LS German infantry in cornfield. Firing 88mm gun. MS three German infantrymen go forward with spotted suits on - bring in few prisoners. MS KO Sherman tank. German in captured Bren carrier. CU Hole in Sherman. CU Canadian Armoured Corps Badge. German Tiger tank passes camera. German infantry advance in file. German passes K.O. Shermans. Shots of Tiger. CU German Tigers into camera. Tanks and Infantry advance (or retreat). Germans fire machine gun. CU German Newspaper headlines. People buy papers and read same. Map of S. England and Northern France. Interiors CU man with earphones on. CU German Soldier speaks on telephone. Operator at work on switchboard. (This maybe the interior of a fort). Troops run and collect rifles. Run along corridor and man gun. Searchlight switched on. Guns fire (night shots). Guns being fired. German on range-finder. Night barrage. Shell into breech. Barrage. CU Crew. Day of German looking thru binoculars. Shots of Lnading craft on horizon. more shots of ships. German guns fire. MS Two British destroyers firing. Fires on land. Germans load big guns. German gun fires. Shell hits water in front of ship. Shell into breach - gun fires. Shot of destroyer firing. Explosions on shore. Shells explode at sea. Obstacles on beach. Germans fire field guns. Guns fire. Germans fire machine guns. CU German. Two landing craft on beach. Germans walk round same. MS German self-propelled guns. Shells exploding. Various shots of gun fire. German infantry forward. Crashed 'Horsa' glider. Shot of body of same.