Posted on May 25, 2017
GOP healthcare bill passes CBO muster - Congress - WORLD
Edited 8 y ago
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 3
When ACA came into being, my former employer that had health and dental coverage for a realistic copay and cost was stopped, in return a $3800 per year for my wife and I was instituted to purchase coverage (good luck with that), one year later it was dropped to $1900. As to the 23 Million stated in the report, the one I have attached here from 2014 indicated 30 Million would not have coverage with the original ACA. Does the term GIGO mean anything to Y'all?

Payments of Penalties for Being Uninsured Under the Affordable Care Act: 2014 Update
Under the ACA, most legal residents must get health insurance or pay a penalty. CBO and JCT estimate that 30 million will be uninsured in 2016, but most will be exempt from the penalty; 4 million will make payments totaling $4 billion.
I don't understand how they come up with these numbers. Are they talking about Medicaid or people who are receiving govt. subsidies to buy insurance? Are they talking about people who decide they just do not want insurance? Something doesn't add up.
SP5 Robert Ruck
So , if that is the case will those same factors or other similar ones come onto play on any new legislation? If so, does the CBO scoring have any relevance at all?
MCPO Roger Collins
The problem is there reports are a snapshot in time and the elements of the reports are fluid. Here is a good description of what takes place and the unknowns that were not accounted for.

The CBO Gets It Very Wrong on ObamaCare
Failure: ObamaCare fans are cheering the latest Congressional Budget Office report, which appears to show that it will cost less and cover more people than expected. But that's true only if you ignore reality.We don't always agree with the CBO, but we have long respected it as a credible source of
LTC Kevin B.
SP5 Robert Ruck - Similar unforeseen events will almost certainly occur. The CBO can't predict the future actions of politicians; however, they can evaluate the legislation as it's designed. That's better than making no prediction at all, and certainly better than trying to predict the future actions of politicians.
You need to ask yourself..."When legislation is being considered by Congress, do I want an estimate of how it will impact our society....BEFORE it gets voted on by the politicians?" If the answer is "No", then the CBO scoring is irrelevant. However, if you want a reasonable, objective, and unbiased estimation of how it will impact our society, while understanding that no estimation will ever be perfect, then the CBO scoring becomes very relevant.
Personally, I understand that the CBO can't perfectly predict the future. I can't perfectly predict how much money I'll earn next year, nor how much I'll pay in taxes. You can't perfectly predict how many miles you'll drive next year, nor how many gallons of fuel you'll use. However, we can make good, reasonable estimates that help us plan accordingly. Similarly, the CBO can make reasonable assumptions (namely, that politicians won't immediately begin tinkering with it or trying to blow it up), and then score the legislation as reasonably accurate as possible. So, most of the inaccuracy between the CBO's initial scoring of the ACA can be laid at the feet of the politicians, not the CBO.
You need to ask yourself..."When legislation is being considered by Congress, do I want an estimate of how it will impact our society....BEFORE it gets voted on by the politicians?" If the answer is "No", then the CBO scoring is irrelevant. However, if you want a reasonable, objective, and unbiased estimation of how it will impact our society, while understanding that no estimation will ever be perfect, then the CBO scoring becomes very relevant.
Personally, I understand that the CBO can't perfectly predict the future. I can't perfectly predict how much money I'll earn next year, nor how much I'll pay in taxes. You can't perfectly predict how many miles you'll drive next year, nor how many gallons of fuel you'll use. However, we can make good, reasonable estimates that help us plan accordingly. Similarly, the CBO can make reasonable assumptions (namely, that politicians won't immediately begin tinkering with it or trying to blow it up), and then score the legislation as reasonably accurate as possible. So, most of the inaccuracy between the CBO's initial scoring of the ACA can be laid at the feet of the politicians, not the CBO.
SP5 Robert Ruck
My point is regardless of who is responsible for the inaccuracies, they are still inaccuracies. Politicians are always going to meddle in the process so the process will always be fluid. Therefore the best that can be said of CBO scoring is it would be accurate if all remains stagnant, which it won't. When I create a budget I do it monthly realizing that financial needs change dramatically from month to month. It's useless for me to project my spending needs a year ahead as there are too many variables to consider. However, by looking at the upcoming month I know what my base expenditures are and how much money will be left for other expenses that will arise as the month progresses. If I'm off by a few dollars that is acceptable. If I'm off by a thousand dollars then I need to go back and figure out where my process went wrong.
Healthcare is something that needs to be constantly worked on. The ACA might have had good intentions but it was far from perfect.
The Left likes to hold up Some of the European Health Care Systems as an example, but they aerew flawed as well. We need to find something that works with our economy and the way we live,
The Left likes to hold up Some of the European Health Care Systems as an example, but they aerew flawed as well. We need to find something that works with our economy and the way we live,
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