Posted on Jan 28, 2021
Gun Control Group Has a Racist Take on Black and Brown Gun Owners
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
They're afraid, very afraid. It's hard to keep a people in chains, whether they be metal chains or the chains of victimhood, when they own firearms.
LTC Eugene Chu
SFC Stephen Hurst - NRA's website actually mentioned Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association to "promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis"

The NRA has been the premier firearms education organization in the world. From training the next generation of gun owners to leading legislative and political efforts to defend the Second Amendment, the NRA is at the forefront of preserving your freedom.
Total crock of horse-shit! I work part-time at a gun shop in an ethnically diverse community, and our customers represent that diversity. Close to half of our customers are ethnic minorities and women. We recently hired a young man who is multi-lingual so we can better serve our non-english-speaking customers.
Side note: Many minorities who legally own guns do not join the NRA. They have formed alternative organizations due to allegations of NRA corruption and its history of unequal support

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