Posted on Oct 24, 2020
Half a million Americans could die of coronavirus by February, study reveals
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
Relating this virus to the flu is a drastic mistake and led us to the place where we now find ourselves.
I will never forgive Trump and his administration's horrific planning and preparation for COVID. Trump lying about the pandemic was the worst thing he could do. His approach gave no impetus for the administration to start planning and executing early. When they did start planning in earnest it was too late. The pandemic was out of control and their response was very ad hoc and irrational. FEMA was chartered to start planning in late March. This implies the team consisting of federal cabinets and agencies did not exist at that point to support the states. The need to purchase PPEs and masks was not broached until late March. That should have been a must do early key task. Those who think that the response by Trump was early and robust have no clue about the process.
The virus can be deadly for the same population that would die of the seasonal flu. They need to be first up for the vaccine.
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