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MSgt Solutions Architect/Software Developer/Blockchain Hobbyist
She got a porn star visa.
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Maj John Bell
Edited >1 y ago
Criteria for Demonstrating Extraordinary Ability (Source- United States Customs and Immigration Service -Employment-Based Immigration: First Preference EB-1 web site)

You must meet 3 out of the 10 listed criteria below to prove extraordinary ability in your field:
1) Evidence of receipt of lesser nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence
2) Evidence of your membership in associations in the field which demand outstanding achievement of their members
3) Evidence of published material about you in professional or major trade publications or other major media
4) Evidence that you have been asked to judge the work of others, either individually or on a panel
Evidence of your original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance to the field
5) Evidence of your authorship of scholarly articles in professional or major trade publications or other major media
6) Evidence that your work has been displayed at artistic exhibitions or showcases
7) Evidence of your performance of a leading or critical role in distinguished organizations
8) Evidence that you command a high salary or other significantly high remuneration in relation to others in the field
9) Evidence of your commercial successes in the performing arts

Easy, she clearly hit the marks in 3), 6), 8) and 9) all three requirements have been met. She meets the requirements.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - I'm sorry, is or is not the original post titled "How did Melania Trump get an 'Einstein visa?"

I imagine what leftist live through is exactly what I lived through when I could not engage in a serious political discussion about policies of the Obama administration without being labeled a racist and a white nationalist/supremacist. What am I missing? What do not know?

You bet I want to understand, but I want to understand based on facts "working on a tourist Visa for years" is not a fact 7 weeks is simply not years and a gross misstatements of fact do not strengthen your case. I still do not have any idea where your allegations of deportation threats come from.

I didn't vote for President Trump. I find his personality a uniquely unpresidential and a repugnant cross between a carnival barker and a school yard bully. His command of the language is almost cartoonish version of Archie Bunker. That said, I do not have much argument with the results, so far.

"However, if one is going to try to change them, those changes need to be based on data, evidence, and with concern for the consequences of proposed policies." Absolutely 100% total and complete agreement from me.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - I do not deny the reports that the Trump organization has hired hundreds of foreign workers on various properties in the past year. I live in a resort area. Virtually all of the house keeping staff is from Jamaica, Haiti, or the Dominican Republic. I agree I think it is wrong. In this case the presence of foreign workers artificially inflates the supply side of the labor market and suppresses wages. It should stop. But Donald Trump is not the one who wrote the law, nor can he re-write it. That complaint sits and has sat in the legislative branches' lap for decades.

Your link mentions contractors had illegal aliens working on Trump job sites. If they were contractor employees they were not employees of Donald Trump. With the exception of most Federal, State, and local government contracts; there is no requirement that a business certify the legal employment status of contractors and sub-contractors.

If you hire ABC plumbing to work at your home, and I as an employee of ABC plumbing do the work, and ABC plumbing doesn't pay me. I have no beef with you. My beef is with ABC plumbing. But please note in your article No where does it say that President Trump threatened the employees with deportation and it also states that he did, in fact, pay them. He only incurred any financial liability when he stepped up and paid the poles when their real employer, Kaszycki, did not. No criminal or civil judgment was ever awarded to any plaintiff involved in this case against Donald Trump.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - Please re-read your previous link and this one. Mr. Kaczyski was the employer of record of the Polish immigrants. When Mr. Kaczyski stopped paying the immigrants, it delayed the project. After delays on the project (delays on projects of this type cost thosands, even tens of thousands of dollars a day) due to labor disputes between Mr. Kaczyski and the Polish workers, Donald Trump made a business decision. It was cheaper to pay the Poles than to allow the labor dispute to go on.

A judge then decided that Donald Trump became the de facto employer. This is where judges can issue decisions not clearly defined in black letter law, by what the judge considers the greater good/lesser evil.

(greater good vs lesser evil decision similar to when a judge can determine that a man, not the biological father of a child presumed to be his, can still be ordered to pay child support because the man has mistakenly believed the child was his. Even if the true biological father is later identified)

The judge made a greater good decision essentially deciding that by virtue of having made the payment of wages, Donald Trump became liable for all the required distributions. Judges have significant latitude in these types of cases. Clearly Mr. Kaczyski could not or would not complete all the legally required fiscal distributions. The judge decided that they must be paid and decided the Mr. Trump would pay them. That does not mean that Mr. Trump in any way directed Mr. Kaczynski's hiring or labor practices. Nor does showing up on the jobsite and directing that things be done the way he wanted them done. I've hired contractors to build for me, visited the job site and re-directed the way things were being done when I felt that there were poor practices not within the requirements of the contract. That does not make me the employer of record.

Businesses owners make business decisions in civil litigation not based on their lack of culpability, but on what legal course of action does the least damage to the bottom line. All the information is right there in the two articles you provided. Furthermore you still have not provided any evidence that Mr. Trump threatened these or any other workers in his employ with deportation in order to suppress their claims to payment of wages earned.
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