Posted on Jan 17, 2018
Illegal Aliens: DHS Must Charge the Elected Who Put the Public at Risk - Black & Blonde Media
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 6
SN (Join to see) [login to see] 135.html
Man Faces Deportion After Fatal Crash
The latest news and analysis from the Washington Post on the national debate over immigration.
Mr. Parks- you have identified an issue. If we are a Nation of laws why do some get protection that others don't have. Do I get to break a law and state ignorance of the law? No. Politicians have an obligation to uphold the law, period. We have never had an immigration problem. What we have had is an immigration enforcement problem. These politicians should be treated the same as any member on a board at a major corportation. They have a fudiciary obligation and if they alter, deceive, profit from, ect their actions there must be a penalty. If not this behavior will continue.
SN (Join to see)
I've made this point before, but sadly until an illegal alien commits a horrendous crime against a politician's family member, they'll continue to blow off the law because who really cares? After Election Day, the American people are disposable.
LTC (Join to see)
SN (Join to see) - You are spot on. We definitely think alike. It is very interesting that we do not see any issues in the affluent areas of the Blue States. They keep them down somehow. But I would specify that it would have to be a Democrat Politicians family and not a Republican. Same as what happened in Afghanistan. The Liberals did not get fired up about Afghanistan up until the MSM showed the Taliban testing dogs with some type of noxious gas.
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