Posted on Apr 22, 2020
Iran says its missiles can hit ships more than 400 miles away, has boats three times faster than...
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 4
Talk is cheap, plus I haven't seen a boat yet fast enough to outrun a bullet or a missle. Why do they think we put self defense capabilities on our frigates and destroyers????
SSG Robert Mark Odom Of Course they Do. Now I Know a Little Better. If they'd like Maybe it can be Arranged for Me to Sit 16 Miles off their Coast Again to Verify their Claims.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
MSgt David Hoffman - Their Boghammers and Other Small Boats are impressive for their size and Carry a Hell of a Punch but One Shot with a 5 Inch 54 will really screw up their day. Too small to waste a Harpoon on (and usually too close). Just like Knats all they can be at worst is annoying.
They have many times boasted of capabilities they don't really have. Though it wouldn't surprise me if they had speedboats that are much faster than a Navy destroyer. But that doesn't mean that their true speed won't be measured by how fast it takes them to reach the bottom if hostilities start.
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