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Responses: 2
SSG Gary Johnson
I knew the Homeless Problem would get worse after Newsome''s election. Under his control of San Francisco, it was proved all he can do is destroy a good city. The Democrats have turned California into a SHITHOLE. I was born and raised in the Lo's Angeles area. I lived there for 65 years less military service. I left because Jerry Brown was elected for a 3rd term as Governor. Lived with his Secretary and didn't live in the Governor''s Mansion. The he married the biggest Dyke in California. It took me 31 days to find a new home in Nevada. Now those same morons the put Brown and Newsome in office are fleeing to Nevada snd now trying to make it into what they fled.
SSG Gary Johnson
SSG Gary Johnson
>1 y
PFC Ray Aquila are you aware that your Mr. BROWN is a raging Homosexusl. Lived with his Secretary. Finally married on of the biggest Dykes in California. Now you'll cry, HOMOPHOBIC!!! Good luck as my Daughter is Gay and I support her 100%. When I lived there, at one time I worked at Atascadero State Hospitsl. All patients were Court Committed Criminally Insane of Sex Offenders. I worked with the Psychotic Patients until I got injured and couldn't return to a "Custodial Setting". I've watched California turn into a literal Shithole. Typhus in the Streets. There's a chance of a Bubonic Pleasure Outbreak there. The Rat Population is insane there. When I was in Nam, we had a Cholera Outbreak, while in Korea, Typhus and Cholera outbreaks. Now in 21st Century California, Typhus Outbreak, that's almost Dark Ages. Let's here it for the spending of Billions of Dollars on a Bullet Train from SF to LA and then Vegas. Where is it now. I don't think it got south of San Jose. Now it's defunct. A total Socialist waste of money. I watched the State turn into an "ILLEGAL" Bastion. From hardly any to literally millions wasting tax Payer money.
SSG Gary Johnson
SSG Gary Johnson
>1 y
PFC Ray Aquila here's another thing, what's with the personal assault. I never once called you anything until you showed your ignorance..
PFC Ray Aquila
PFC Ray Aquila
>1 y
It would seem to me your the one with assaults. What difference does it make whether Gov Brown is/isn't a homosexual. What business it of yours? Gov Brown did an excellent job in CA. A balance Budget every year in office. Making sure the upper 1-2% in CA paid their fair share in taxes. Knowing Nixon/Reagan is nothing to brag about. One RESIGNED in shame. The other ran the US like he did when gov of CA. Unlike Gov Brown. Ronnie never had a balanced budget in CA. Ronnie was always in the RED. It is a matter of public record. SEARCH! Ronnie ran the US like CA. Remember the STOCK MARKET CRASH. Ronnie ran on the promise he would never raise taxes. Ronnie raised taxes 11 times. Most at the time of any president. Public record. Search! Ronnie completely, all by his lonesome, destroyed the MIDDLE CLASS. You know the MIDDLE CLASS. The back bone of our nation. It is obvious you are the one that is ignorant. Hiding your head in the sand does not make things better.
SSG Gary Johnson
SSG Gary Johnson
>1 y
PFC Ray Aquila obviously your a SOCIALIST. That's why you believe Brown and Newsom are like Sliced Bread. My Generation was called "Patriot". I was born prior to WWII ending. I watched California go from a great place to be raised to a complete "SHITHOLE". You were obviously indoctrinated into Socialism at your local Schools. Again, I'll wager that you never grew up in Southern California in the 40's, 50's and 60's when it was the finest place in the Eorld. The it started to be overrun by Socialists from back East. When I was in High School, only 36% of the people in CA were born there. You can have that Human Experience for yourself. I don't even Vista anymore.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Excellent share sir, thank you.
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