Posted on Feb 15, 2017
Judge sides with '60s Scoop survivors; damages now to be decided - CityNews
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 5
Although not removed from their families, we in the USA did a similar thing. At any point in time, terrible things have been done in order to improve someone's lot and it goes badly. How many of you have read about this?
The Orphan Train Movement was a supervised welfare program that transported orphaned and homeless children from crowded Eastern cities of the United States to foster homes located largely in rural areas of the Midwest. The orphan trains operated between 1854 and 1929, relocating about 200,000 orphaned, abandoned, or homeless children.
LTC (Join to see)
Thank you Rodger I never knew about this! The difference is the residential school system was forced upon native families and because of that many suffered post-traumatic stress from sexual abuse physical abuse and just like Vietnam Vets they get into drugs and drinking and antisocial Behavior. Generations of families and abuse is normal. My wife went to a day school which was a school within Edmonton that had the indigenous kids separated from the white kids in the same classroom. The indigenous kids were hit with a ruler the white kids or not the white kids freak out and complain that eventually they stop doing that. And today, if a white family has kids running amok in the front yard no big deal. If a native family does the same thing, social workers come by and take the kids away. Same thing if the families drink. Why families no problem native families kids get taken away. We have had social workers stake out our house. My mother-in-law's the social worker itchy purposely putting a lie to Social Services and we were being watched because her mom's a drunk who gambles and doesn't pay bills but she works as a as a social worker on the Indian reserve. It's called crabs in the bucket mentality. My wife wanted to be a foster mother to two of her nieces because her sister was a drunk and we would have got good money from that but the mom put in the bad Ward and purposely sabotaged that because the mom would prefer to get the money instead or this case the grandmother. It's really messed up up here. I could write a book the size of War and Peace about what goes on up here. Sadly LOL
What was the point of forcibly removing children from their families? There had to be a point, even if it was inherently flawed or wrong.
LTC (Join to see)
My wife calls it cultural genocide and it's been proven. The boarding schools that they were forced to be in from 1920 to 1996 for the majority of native Canadians involve cutting their hair, forbidding them the speak their native language and learn English, learn protestantism or Catholicism and they were often hit with rulers or sexy abused. Many disappeared. The average native adult gets $40,000 from the federal government just like the Japanese and tourneys and War two were given about the same amount for the Injustice they suffered during the 1942 - 1945 incarceration. Japanese Canadian suffered the same fate of being put into camps. Not sure if the Japanese Canadians received restitution. Now you know.
SSgt Christopher Brose
LTC (Join to see) - I don't dispute anything you are saying. I'm just wondering how it was sold to the native populations. They had to be told something, and I doubt it was, "We're going to take your children in order to destroy your culture."
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