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Responses: 3
CPT Jack Durish
Can't argue with any of this. The blood letting among the flag officers has been epic. All that's left are those who are servile. One of the more fascinating lessons I've learned while reading a seven volume biography of Winston Churchill is just how many of his pet projects were voted down by the flag officers and his staff. Although he had virtually dictatorial powers as Prime Minister, he surrendered to their judgment when they were arrayed against him. Even more fascinating is the fact that President Obama has followed his own judgment regardless of who has been against him and yet has never taken responsibility for the bad outcomes of all those decisions. This is the key fact that history will judge him on.
Capt Seid Waddell
Capt Seid Waddell
>1 y
I regret that I can give you but one up vote for that comment.
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SFC George Smith
between the BHO general Officer and Over all Officer purges... There is a lot of Back stabbing going on...
Capt Seid Waddell
Capt Seid Waddell
>1 y
The choice is between politics and competence. In this administration competence is not valued.
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SSG Warren Swan
They're trying to pin the knowledge of troop movements on Obama, BUT the war started well before he was in office, so how did this pop up? This dude with the book wants to crack that any GO that disagrees with the WH was dismissed. I guess he never heard of MacAuthur and what he did to be relieved, McCrystals staff who screwed him by failing PAO 100....NOTHING WITH A REPORTER IS OFF THE RECORD. Made worse by disrespecting the President multiple times. If you disrespect a superior what do you expect a battlefield promotion to dumbass? Would this LTG let his CSM tell him what he REALLY thinks and let him keep his job? So this is just a piece where Hannity knows Fox is running out of folks who can give interviews and here's his chance to be better than Megan (not a fan of hers, but she is better). Going by this, and previous wars ALL Presidents have told the public who is rolling out.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
SGT Damaso V Santana - BY FAR!!! And not even 50 yet!!
SGT Damaso V Santana
SGT Damaso V Santana
>1 y
uh uh hmmmmmmmmmmmm! Hot mama she is!
Sgt Kelli Mays
Sgt Kelli Mays
>1 y
SSG Warren Swan Fox brings on many different retired Military personnel. This is just the one I choose to present
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
Sgt Kelli Mays - that's not a fox thing....Megan is..for now. From the rumor mill not for long, being that damn near everyone is jumping ship. All of em bring in miitary. Some are better than others. I've seen some dumbasses on all stations
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